Behaviour Management

Managing their child’s behaviour can be one of the biggest challenges for many parents, after all; the “terrible two’s” do start at around 18 months and finish at 18 years, don’t they? The solution to this is simple – reward good behaviour and, wherever possible ignore the bad. The best example I can give of…

Child minding for other professionals

I saw a question on Facebook this week were a registered child minder was asking how caring for ‘a looked after child’ worked. When I was working as a child minder I went on a training day that qualified me to work with Social services and other agencies. There was a designated social worker (…

How to discipline a baby

Discipling a baby may seem harsh; but babies can sometimes show behaviour that needs discipling. Obviously, managing the behaviour of babies has to be different from the way an older child would be dealt with: However, the same principles of ignoring unwanted behaviour and rewarding good, wanted behaviour are the same. Babies love to pull…

Soft parenting v strict

Kim Kardashian has recently said that she is a soft parent; giving their children everything they want. This got me thinking: Is it better to be a soft or strict parent? In my experience, the majority of familuies usually have one of each. Mainly, but not in every situation the mother tends to be the…

Tips for teaching children to share

“You must share your toys!” is something that I often hear parents tell their children. But how does a child learn to share? The key is to encourage children to share from as early an age as possible; by sharing with siblings, having children over for play dates, or taking children along to groups such…

Should we train a baby like a dog?

A recent television programme shows Jo-Rosie Haffenden who believes that we should train our babies like dogs. Although I would never suggest putting a collar and lead on your baby:I have been saying for years that animals, children (and husbands!) can be ‘trained’ in a similar way: which is to reward any good wanted behaviour…

Bullying tips

Bullying is horrible and there is no excuse for it in my opinion. Thankfully I have never been bullied and neither have any of my children. A friend once told me that she was picked on at school by another girl ( it was over a boy which my friend said she didn’t even like…

How to manage children swearing

In my experience as both a parent and a registered child minder from time to time children  will swear, cuss and use unpleasant language.   The best way to manage this is to ignore it. if children don’t get a response the chances are they won’t repeat this behaviour. I recall my youngest coming in…

Terrible 2’s and how to survive them

Most of the tantrums that a 2 year old has can be dealt with quite simply: Basically don’t give in to bad behaviour. Unwanted behaviour  is often a form of attention seeking, ignore unwanted behaviour wherever possible and reward the good, wanted behaviour. A reward can be as simple as verbal praise, don’t get into…

The smacking debate

As many people seem to be in favour of smacking children as those who are against it. I would be lying if I said that I had never given my children a smack when they were growing up and I was smacked as a child by my parents. It most likely didn’t do me any…

Being a step parent

Being a step parent to my second husbands son is one of the hardest things I have done, but it has also been very rewarding.     I already had 2 sons when we moved in with my now husband and his 8 year old son. We had another son together a few years later…

Co -parenting

Kat has suggested the topic of today’s post, thanks Kat. Co-parenting is a legal term were by two parents who are separated or divorced parent a child together (often in separate homes). Usually the child will be resident with one parent ,often the mother (although I do know of a few fathers who had custody…

Questions to ask a potential child minder

It can be extremely daunting for a parent to visit a potential child minder, for their child for the first time. It may be helpful to have a few questions to ask the child minder written down beforehand. Usually a parent makes first contact with a child minder over the phone when checking on availability….

Elf on the shelf, my thoughts

For anyone who doesn’t know about this, the elf on the shelf is a relatively new  concept which has come from America. Parents tell their children that Santa has sent a special elf from the north pole to watch them and report back to him as to whether they have been good, or not. Commercial…

Tips for sucessfull shopping with children in tow

Samantha has asked me for some tips to make food shopping with her children a bit easier. Food shopping at the supermarket can be quite stressful if you have young children with you. When my 2 sons had to accompany me every week to the supermarket, my youngest who was almost 2 years old would…

How Being A Child Minder Can Benefit Your Own Children

  Anyone caring for a child under the age of 8 years who is not related to them and for any kind of reward, must become registered by Ofsted Early Years. Many people will think that by becoming a child minder their own children will suffer,  however because child minders are self employed they can…

Addicted To Tablets (iPads, Not Pills!)

I am hearing of more and more parents complaining that their children are addicted to electronic devices such as tablets such as iPads, MobilePhones and games consoles and that the children get stroppy when told to switch them off. I had a similar problem when my eldest son became obsessed with his play station and although…

How to stop children telling lies

Most children will tell tails or make things up from time to time, but what can you do when the lies become a regular assonance or more than that? Start by having conversations with your children about telling the truth and lying: Stories, such as the boy who cried wolf could help with this. If…

Teaching manners to children

I recently saw a parent asking about this on social media. I, like most parents, I suspect,would encourage my children to say “Ta” when I gave them something as babies, as they grew older and their vocabulary improved the “Ta” became “Thank you” When I was a child minder I liked the children to say…

No rules parenting

A recent programme on television showed  parents  who have 3 children  and believe that their children don’t need any rules: they do what they want, when they want. The mother sleeps with the  youngest child in her bed. The children don’t have set bedtimes; they go to bed when they feel that they are tired…

Is it right to discipline someone else’s child?

After watching a child have a major temper tantrum in a supermarket,  a customer ( who was not the parent) told him to “Shut up!” Is it okay to discipline someone else’s child? I used to work as a registered child minder and therefore I had to manage the behaviour of the children in my…