Review of things Evie eats

When Suziw got in touch to ask if I would be interested in reviewing one of her books I jumped at the chance as I have been a fan of children’s literature since falling ‘in love’ with the Gruffalo  while I was a registered child minder.The things Evie eats is written by Suziew and has…

Keeping children sun safe

I will admit that I have always been addicted to the sun and getting a suntan ( I have never been a big drinker or a smoker, so I figured that a sun addiction wasn’t such a bad thing). One of the many advantages of working as a registered child minder, for me, was that…

White lies we tell children

Due to the recent events, today’s post is a bit of fun to hopefully cheer everyone up. I like most parents, I would think, have told my children a few white lies over the years; other than Santa and the tooth fairy, we came up with several more:- My youngest son always wanted to be…

GUEST BLOG: 5 Tips for Surviving Family Vacation

5 Tips for Surviving Family Vacation   I remember the chaotic days of our family’s seasonal vacations just like they were yesterday. Between my parents arguing over directions, my siblings crying and bickering over not sharing the electronic devices enough, or my granddad bringing up uncomfortable, and often times inappropriate, conversations about a distant relative…

Toys that are suitable for outside

Now that summer is here at last (and we have had some pretty amazing weather so far) use this as an opportunity to get your children out into the garden as it is a great place for children to run around  and get some fresh air and exercise. The addition of a few toys will…

Guest Blog – 5 Warning Signs Your Teenager May Be Using Drugs

Peep into a house party packed with teenagers, what you will see is an entirely different version of High School Musical. Teenage boys and girls taking recreational drugs and alcohol is a common view these days. It is probably due to the glamorization of such addictions in our movies. The one who uses drugs is…

Juggling Children

This is a request from Julie Tallin, thanks Julie, for tips on how to divide your time and attention between several children. In my experience, trying to juggle several children at once is easy, if managed correctly. I used to try to include everyone together, so nobody feels left out. I can recall my youngest…

Looking After Your Child’s Teeth

  I am the first to admit that I don’t like the dentist at all. In fact I always say I would rather have a baby, than go to the dentist (and I really would) At least when you go into hospital to give birth you come out with something amazing, when you go to…

Pets For Children; Cats And Kittens.

Cats and kittens can make great pets. Kittens especially look so cute and cuddly; which they can be, but they also come with a good set of claws ready to scratch if they are not happy about a situation! Always supervise children around any animal. A kitten (or any other pet) can sustain a nasty…