As most of us are trying avoiding going into shops. unless for essential food activities for children using things that we already have is a good idea:-
Toddlers will enjoy having a saucepan and wooden spoon to use as a drum ( not so great if you have a headache though!).

Make your own shakers from paper cups or toilet roll tubes with the ends covered, put in some rice or pasta, a comb with tissue paper covering the teeth makes a good sound when blown on – you could have your own orchestra!
Pasta tubes can also be threaded onto wool or string and painted to make a necklace or bracelet; this is great for developing fine motor skills here.
Junk models can be constructed from empty cardboard boxes, yogurt cartons and milk bottle tops. If you haven’t got any glue make your own from a flour and water paste,
Do some cooking together cooking with children here.

I once filled the kitchen sink with water for my son when he was bored and we made up a game of what items ( mostly small toys) would sink or float, we discovered that a lump of plaster-cine sank, but when it was made into a boat it floated.
My older children liked to do brass rubbing( putting paper over and rubbing with a crayon) of household items and asked their dad to try to guess what they were taken from when he came home from work; coins and keys work really well, as do leaves from the garden, some cutlery has an embossed pattern on the handle, so do many household items; looking around I can see the Hitachi sign on my television is raised lettering as is the sky word on the remote control.
If you have wool to hand make a woolly doll here .

Put on some music and hold a keep fit session: do some star jumps. hop on one leg and jog on the spot.

If the weather is fine sort out the garden gardening with children here.
Suggest that the children draw or paint pictures to cheer up elderly neighbours ( leave them on their doorstep or post through letterboxes to avoid direct contact.
Arts and crafts on a shoestring here.
Make the most of these unusual times, it isn’t often that we have so much quality time to spend with our children, make some happy memories to look back on.
More activity ideas here .
Stay well we can get through this.
As always questions and comments are welcome and feel free to share on social media if you think others will benefit from this.
Until next time.
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I love the wooly doll!! And exercise is a big one for me. Making the teens do it might be harder #GlobalBlogging
Great ideas! We’ve spent a lot of time in the garden over the last few days. A teddy bears tea party was one we did today. #GlobalBlogging
A teddy bears picnic is another great idea, thanks for sharing
some lovely ideas. I really love the woolly doll, just so sweet
Popping back with #StayClassyMama
The kids have been helping me clear out & clean the kitchen cupboards & it’s amazing what they find interesting to play with! #DreamTeamLinky
My Mum used to get me to help with tidying drawers when I was a toddler and bored, she had forgotten that she had hidden my bottle away in a drawer, when I came across the teat, I said “look I have found a Malteser( to which mum quickly removed the offending item)
Great tips! I can remember my boys playing on the pots and pans when they were little. What a delightful racket! I am going to pass this along to my DIL. She is running out of things to do with our grandsons.
Some great ideas here… Thanks for sharing with the #DreamTeamLinky also thanks for using the badge, but its a very old one so if you could update it we would appreciate it
If you can send the details of the correct badge I will amend it asap
These are some really lovely ideas Karen. That wool dolly is very cute. One of our favourite things is baking – but we have yet to be able to get flour! Fingers crossed we will. Thank you for sharing this with the #DreamTeamLinky. Take care x
Posts like this are so vital at the minute to help keep people motivated x #kidsandkreativity
Great ideas here! We thankfully managed to get some flour in the supermarket so I was planning on doing some baking with my daughters tomorrow. Unfortunately I can’t get my hands on compost at the minute which is a shame because the weather is lovely and we could be out planting. As you say in these hard times we are all trying to do our best to keep busy and stay positive – both kids and adults! #globalblogging
Love all these ideas, my children found that kitchen items eg saucepan and spoon were far more intersting than toys. Let’s get moving with dancing has always been a good idea. My eldest daughter used to love turning out cupboards unfortunately she never put anything back.Another good blog Karen
I’ve been busy making things out of stuff I have lying around the house, jsut to keep me entertained. Hope everyone is well and thank you for linking up with #pocolo and hope to see you back tomorrow
Some of these I wouldn’t have thought of. Thank you for sharing. Everything that helps pass the time, is good, isn’t it? #stayclassymama
It most definitely is
Some fab ideas, thanks! I hate junk modelling but my kids love it haha! 🙂 x
To are not the only mother to hate junk modelling, I once had a parent who threw her daughter’s model in next door’s skip as they left my house!
Lots of good ideas here – I remember making woolly dolls as a child and must try doing them with Sophie. We’ve been enjoying some junk modelling and baking together too. #KidsandKreativity
Some great ideas. We have been spending lots of time baking and in the garden, and of course doing some crafts together! Thanks for joining in with #KidsandKreativity, hope to see you back next time.