There is a saying which states; that there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing: So does this mean that we should dress our children appropriately and send them out to play in all weathers?

Personally, I am not keen on the rain, but understand that children are not so fussy.
Recently I was sat in my car, while parked in a quite car park eating fish and chips, as I was watching 3 children riding around on their scooters in the rain; they didn’t even seem to notice that it was raining as they were having so much fun.
They were all wearing rain coats with the hoods up and wellington boots on their feet.

I have lovely memories of playing in the snow as a child.

Mum would dress us up warmly and we would have a warm drink whilst sitting in front of the fire when we came in. ( I do recall my woollen gloves becoming wet from making snow balls and a snow man!).
Children seem to go a bit mad when playing in the wind ( it has a similar effect on horses too, I know from riding on windy days).
The best weather to play outside in is the sunshine, but children still need the right clothing then sun safe here
Benefits of letting children play outside in all weathers are that they will be healthier from the exercise and will build gross motors skills here by running, jumping and climbing; things that are more difficult inside.

They may even sleep better! Bedtime routines here
I would be interested to hear what others think of this topic.

As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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Benefits of letting children play in all weathers are that children will get the health benefits of more exercise’.
They will have opportunities for building gross motor skills here
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I go out in all weathers including non walkers, I provide all waterproofs hats and gloves. That way I’m not restricted and know the children are warm enough. The only thing I do not provide is wellies, although I do have a couple of pairs spare and have just brought my non walker waterproof boots.
All of my waterproofs I buy from Lidls yearly which they are now in stock and selling now.
That’s a great idea for a child minder to do. Thanks for sharing, Clair
I love that photo of your little girl cycling through the river! It’s amazing how free children are in their play that they don’t mind the weather as much as we do. #kcacols
That little girl is actually a friend’s son, but I understand where you are coming from, Thanks for sharing your thoughts
Oh goodness sorry!!
No worries
Yes Yes Yes so many more benefits from well being to learning opportunities. looking forward to winter just ordered my thermals.
Thanks for sharing, Nicola
Absolutely yes! As a childminder I always make parents aware that we play/go out in all weathers, And not to send them in their best clothes. I don’t rely on them to send wellies etc either (remembering everything that needs to be packed in the bag for that day can sometimes be overwhelming for a busy parent) I just keep a stock of spares in all sizes so everyone can go out especially spur of the moment when we have unexpected rain fall for example, that way we are not restricted in our activities and we are ready for anything 🤗 I feel that it’s extremely important for children to feel the rain fall on their face, squelch through mud, with or without wellies, walk bare foot through soggy grass, to experience the cold when going out in the snow and then getting warmed up after. ❤️
That’s fantastic, Carla, thanks for sharing
Kids need outdoor time to be free and to explore.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Michele
I’m all in with all weather play! It’s great for kids and adults. Thanks for sharing! I’m visiting from the #anythinggoes link up. Have a great week!
That’s great, thanks for sharing your thoughts, Marielle
My sons love putting on coats and boots and playing in the rain. We had a picnic in the rain on holiday and they loved that too. #ParentPower
Thanks for sharing your experience
Praise means a lot, thanks for stopping by
This is a great reminder. My one-year old loves to be outside. We live in Texas and the summers get very hot and muggy, but we make a point by go outside everyday — we just go out earlier in the day. He’s not too keen on playing in the rain yet but I’m looking forward to watching him joyfully puddle jump one day. I also look forward to visiting family in Oregon in the winter and driving to the mountain so he can experience snow!
That sounds great, Elana, thanks for sharing
We are determined to get outside this winter whether it is cold or not so we have built an outdoor lounge and firepit in our garden. I don’t love the rain so we have a cover overhead, but the kids were out dancing in the rain last night #DreamTeamLinky
That sounds amazing, Kirsty, hope you all enjoy it, thanks for sharing
Love it! My son always wants to be outdoors whatever the weather. At first I was quite worried but with the right clothes, layers and waterproofs I’ve realized how much fun he has and how healthy it is for him. #KCACOLS
Outdoor learning at the same time, Christy, thanks for your input
They most definitely don’t seem to mind as much as we do. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time.
It’s funny that, isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by
Great post, you can’t beat a bit of outside play bracing the elements it’s so good for the soul xx #kcacols
It certainly is, thanks for stopping by, Dana
We love being out and about in all sorts of weather. I’m always trying to persuade everyone down to the beach in the Autumn and Winter months. There’s so much to take in – though you definitely need the right clothes and footwear on. Thank you for joining us for the #DreamTeamLinky
I agree the beach out of season is great partly because it is quiet, thanks for your input, Annette
I am definitely not a fan of colder and wetter weather! This week’s playground duties in the rain have bothered the adults more than the kids! Thanks for linking up with #dreamteamlinky
I prefer the cold dry weather to the mild wet , you can wrap up when it’s cold, can’t you, Laura?
Thanks for sharing
Yep I agree with you – on that note I really need to get some waterproof trousers for my two! 🙂 #KCACOLS
It will be money well spent, Hannah
I always get excited by snow but even the kids agree it gets too cold top be out there for too long! Thanks for linking up with #parentpower
I always think that it’s worth getting cold for the fun in the snow, then getting warmer indoors after, thanks for sharing your experience, Laura
I absolutely agree that kids should play out in all weathers as long as they have the right clothing. I believe that there are massive benefits for kids playing outside. When they start to get cold then bring them in but that shouldn’t stop them at the start. #ParentPower
Thanks for sharing your thoughts
We like to get outside in all weathers – as long as the children have enough layers for warmth if needed and waterproofs and wellies for the rain they’re happy enough whatever the weather. #adventurecalling
Absolutely, Louise, thanks for your input
Yep, we love getting out, whatever the weather too. Always make sure we have enough layers and also a change of clothes in the car for just in case. And food 😀
Thanks for sharing with #AdventureCalling
Sounds like you are well prepared for any situation Thanks for sharing with me
The kids love being out in all weathers, they have all the kit as well! Think it’s just us adults who are a bit fussier. Great food for thought as always, thanks for sharing #AdventureCalling
I think you are right, thanks for your input, Lauren