One of the latest fads to come over from America is for expectant parents to draw up a baby contract before the child is born

This contract clearly states how the workload which comes with a baby will be shared between parents; getting up during the night, bathing, dressing and nappy changing.
Of course if the baby is breast fed then the mother would be the only one able to carry out that particular errand!

When I had my third child ( the first for my new husband and I together) he was only too willing to do more than his fair share of the work. In fact when I gave up breast feeding due to a lack of milk, I was concerned that he would do all the feeds too, leaving me with not much time alone with my new baby.
I needn’t have worried though as it worked out perfectly; we both shared the running of the house, cooking, cleaning, laundry and taking care of our 4 sons. We managed well as a team.
I am interested to hear what others think of baby contracts:

Are they a good idea or another trend gone overboard?
As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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WTAF 😳 why on earth would you need a baby contract ?? Another American thing gone mad IMO 🤣
I think you have summed it up, Julie thanks for stopping by
I cannot believe this, what sort of relationship is there between the two parents if you need a contract in order to cope with looking after the new baby. What a load of rubbish !! Still can’t get my head around this one .
As I have said before it takes all sorts, thanks for sharing your thoughts, Pearl
I’m not sure a written contract is necessary, nor something I have ever heard of. But some discussion about how you will share the tasks before the baby arrives would definitely be beneficial. Parents really need to bond together as a team in those early days when it is new and hard work. Otherwise it can almost feel like mission impossible and cause arguments or resentment with each other. #MischiefandMemories
Totally agree, Shelley, that makes perfect sense, thanks for sharing your
I get the planning side before the baby is born regarding some of the practical things for the family but I’m not sure about a contract, it’s one of those ‘the worlds gone mad’ moments xx #MischiefAndMemories
You are spot on, Dana, thanks for stopping by
Whatever next?! I suspect anyone considering a baby contract is setting themselves up for disaster… #mischiefandmemories
Sadly, I think you might be right
A baby contract? I have never heard of one of those before. Wow. I’m completely lost for words. Planning bits and bobs might be helpful, especially if there’s an unexpected type of birth, but I’m not sure a contract is the answer. Thank you for joining us for #mischiefandmemories
You are not the only one, Annette, to have not heard of this strange idea that has come from the USA, thanks for sharing your thoughts
That’s great, thanks for stopping by, Karen and for having me a part of the linky
Having a baby is not something anyone can ever prepare for so I think a baby contract is worthless. Flexibility is key as there will be physical, mental and emotional exhaustion from both parents. Parents should be working together not saying ‘it’s not my turn’! Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories
Absolutely, Laura, totally agree
I’ve not heard of these, but surely this is something couples discuss before starting a family and part of their existing commitment to each other? Thanks for joining us at #PoCoLo
You would think so, Stephani, thanks for sharing your thoughts
Well that is just madness, hey ho, each to their own though. Thanks for sharing with #pocolo, hope to see you back soon