Managing their child’s behaviour can be one of the biggest challenges for many parents, after all; the “terrible two’s” do start at around 18 months and finish at 18 years, don’t they?
The solution to this is simple – reward good behaviour and, wherever possible ignore the bad.
The best example I can give of this is when at a toddler group a mum approached me and asked for advice with managing her 3 year old son’s behaviour (let’s call him Sam) as since the birth of her 2nd child, 6 months ago, Sam was showing negative behaviour towards other children.
After observing them, I tactfully suggested that when Sam became violent towards others, instead of jumping up and telling him off, she should quietly and calmly remove him from the situation. (therefore not giving too much attention to him) When he was playing nicely, she should go to him and say something like”what a good boy you are being at the moment.”
I saw this lady again about a month later and she couldn’t thank me enough. She said she felt like I had given her back her good little boy!
Other tools for managing behaviour are star charts, stickers or just simple verbal praise ( A pat on the back goes along way.)
Another example I had was while childminding, a 5 year old girl in my care who always had to be the first to do things first – first out of the door, first into the car etc. While out walking I noticed that she liked to press the button on the pelican crossing so I used this to my advantage, explaining to her that if she was very good I would let her be the one to press the button in future. She changed from pushing and shoving to always be first to actually encouraging others to go ahead of her!
For a while I had a car which had a built-in pull-down child’s car seat in the back, which they all liked to sit in so I used this as a reward for being well behaved. A plastic pink spoon (a freebie, in fact) was a favourite for using to eat yoghurt at lunchtime, so again this became a reward.
I hope this has provided some food for thought. Ideas need to be adapted to suit the individual child, depending on their interests, age and stage of development.
If a parent feels that this isn’t working for their child and instead would like to give a punishment, then in my opinion, taking away a privilege is the way to go.
As always, feel free to leave a comment and ask any questions.
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Yes, I totally agree, I’ve always rewarded good behaviour and ignored bad, so long as it isn’t so bad that you need to offer some sort of discipline. I have a little girl who gets incredibly upset if she does something wrong. We give her lots of extra praise for when she is good. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
Thanks for your feedback, glad you agree x
Praise goes a long way, and everyone needs a pat on the back now and then, even as adults! Good tips here 🙂 #tuesdaytreasures
All sensible advice, especially remembering to praise when they are being “good” #treasuretuesdays
Good advice for managing younger children. We’ve often turned to reward charts to help manage behaviour, even now our children are older. #TuesdayTreasures
Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime 🎉
l have an issue Karen that my child will not listen to me….any tips, l have done reward charts etc.
My tips are, as I have already mentioned, reward your child, even verbal praise is effective, when she does listen and hopefully over time, she will listen to you more than not, thanks for your comments and question, Sarah, hope I have helped! X
It’s always a great idea to reward good behaviour instead of focussing on bad. Often it’s us as parents who need to retrain our own reactions to our kids behaviour. #fortheloveofBLOG
Always a good idea to reward good 🙂 Thanks for linking up to #fortheloveofBLOG
Catch ’em doing someting good is always a great way to be, in work, in life, in kid-land too! #fortheloveofblog xoxo
Great tips here, when my three year old is being a nightmare it’s hard to not tell him off – especially when he’s antagonising his 18 month old twin brothers. I’m going to try to be more positive and praise him more. Thanks! #ItsOK
Really useful tips here! Thanks for linking up with #ItsOK xxx
Great advice and you so right instead of reprimanding and lashing out negativity towards these kids we need to lower ourselves to their level and speak to them in a gentle manner. In this case it was probably that the child was seeking attention because of a younger sibling that was added to the family dynamics. And it is normal to act out but it needs to be rectified before it spirals out of control #itsok
Great advice. I am all for praising and rewarding good behaviour.
Very helpful advice for Parents. #Globalblogging
I feel like sometimes parents focus hard on bad behavior and it can lead to blindness when looking for the good they are doing throughout the day. #GlobalBlogging
Great advice to be proactive instead of reactive! Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging
Awesome, thank you for linking up with @esmesalon #SeniorSalonPitStop 258 Tweeted for now but please check back coming Monday to see if listed in top 15 or by co-hosts.
Thanks for letting me know about @esmesalonpitstop, Esme