There are many advantages why a parent, mother or father should join a toddler group,( traditionally known as mother and toddler groups.) with their child. Firstly it is a fantastic opportunity to meet other parents in similar situations as yourself. A well run group will benefit your child as it will help to teach them how share, turn take and generally get along with other children all things that will aid them later in life at pre -school groups as well as at school.
I took my own children to such groups and also attended several when I was working as a registered child minder. During this time we all benefited because the children in my care got to socialise with more children. I could have some much needed adult conversation and from a professional point of view, I gained ideas for activities to carry out at home with the children and I also acquired more work. This was because parents could see how happy and relaxed the children in my care were ( at one time I was literally over flowing with enquiries for my child minding service that I was able to pass on the details of other local child minders).
Activities at groups vary but usually there is an opportunity to paint
and or do art and craft projects,
group singing time which includes singing to anyone who is celebrating a birthday
and a story session. Drinks and biscuits for both adults and children are provided.
Fees are usually minimal, starting at a few pounds to include a registration fee. Popular groups may well have a waiting list, so don’t delay in putting your child’s name down, often a group will allow you to go on a complimentary visit before you commit.
Take my advice and join a toddler group, the benefits are endless.
Have fun with your children.
As always questions/comments are welcome
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Seconded! We love baby & toddler groups! Such a good way to meet other parents in the same boat and let the littles expend some energy. There are some amazing free groups at our children’s centres and super low cost groups run by volunteers all around our town. We’re partial to a toddler forest school group too 🙂 Thanks for posting and spreading the toddler group love <3
Totally agree. As a stay at home dad we find it a way to get to know others around us and have interaction with other kids.
Thanks, it’s good to know that dad’s are joining the fun, there were one or two male parents in the groups I attended but the majority were female x
Absolutely, don’t know what I would have done with playgroups when I was home with my small children! Thanks for linking up #sharethejoylinky
Oh it’s a good thing for all! #MondayStumble xo
My boys loved going to toddler gro up, a place to socialise and run around like a mad thing X #pointshoot
Agree. Toddler groups are fab. We have one that is near us that no one really goes too, we do, it’s free and I really don’t understand how it’s always so quiet. It’s bizarre. Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky
Agree. Attending a toddler group was a life saver for me as an EXPAT. through it I made friends and felt less lonely. Thank you for linking up to #PointShoot 📸
I totally agree! I’ve got so many fond memories of taking our now 7yo to these groups. When she was a baby, we went most days which I knew benefitted me but didn’t realise how much it did her at the time. It was quite clear when she started pre-school how much it helped her along on so many levels. Thanks so much for linking up to #sharethejoylinky Karen.
We’ve found a great local toddler group and we love it #PointShoot
A friend and I actually ran a toddler group while our own children were toddlers, and we loved it. We created a craft for the children to do every week and eventually had two craft books for toddlers published! Our group was very structured (we both come from education backgrounds). We had people leave when their children were old enough to go to pre-school, then ask to come back as our group was run much better! When our own children were too old to attend we started a holiday arts & craft scheme. It was a very happy time in our lives
Forgot #TweensTeensBeyond I’m always doing that!! Lol!
That’s fantastic, well done, thanks for sharing!
Thanks 😊
Yes! I love the toddler playgroup I take my girls to on a Friday. They and I get so much out of it. And as you say there are crafts, songs, stories and biscuits!!!!! I would encourage anyone to go to one near them. #thesatsesh
Strangely enough, despite having grown up with a childminding mum and then worked in childcare myself for a bit, I didn’t really attend many groups when my son was little. The place we lived didn’t have a huge range of groups, and I guess I just enjoyed it being the two of us for a while 🙂 I do know how brilliant they can be when you find the right one for you though, as you have said, we just never seemed to find out perfect fit. #sharethejoy
I remember being a bit daunted by toddler groups but I liked it once they were there. I sometimes wish there was an equivalent for Mums of teens, where we could discuss our kids! Thanks so much for joining us at #TweensTeensBeyond
Perhaps you should start a similar group for teens and parents, rather you than me!
I was really grateful for toddler groups when I was a first-time mum and created new friendship with a couple of mum. It is nice to have adult conversation with someone other than your partner and I learn tons from other mothers. Thank you for linking up with #ShareTheJoyLinky
I agree that the interaction is great for them and it prepares for them for nursery and school. Thanks for joining in at #TriumphantTales!
Thanks for linking up to #fortheloveofBLOG
I try and take the little one sometimes but we’re often up to other things during the week. Plus haven’t yet seen another dad at them! But they are great for learning and make activities much easier for parents! #ablogginggoodtime