I saw a post on Facebook were a registered child minder was getting tired of parents phoning or texting her after she had finished work for the day, to ask questions like did my child have a nap, bowel movement? etc.
So I want to share my Winnie the Pooh book idea that worked for me and the parents that I was working with.

Obviously I would speak to parents on a daily basis when the child was collected; but sometimes things may be forgotten, if their was another parent collecting at the same time, or if a parent was in a hurry to get home.

So I came up with my parent communication book idea: I bought a multi-pack of small note books, which happened to have Winnie the Pooh on the front.
Each child had a book that was kept in the bag that they used when coming to me and myself and the parents could jot down notes for one another.
This became invaluable for any parents that were running late for work as they could just drop off their child and go knowing that the fact that their child might be tired as he had a bad night was written in the book ( I must say that most of the parents that I worked with were very good and would often stay to chat when dropping off and collecting their children; sometimes my husband thought that they stayed too long!)
I would write a brief description of our day and tell the parents if a child had a nap and for how long.
What we had done during the day and anything else that I thought they would want to know.

I also asked the children from time to time what they wanted me to write in their Winnie the Pooh book and they would frequently ask me to write something in..

Another idea that I came up with was to make a small photo book of my family members and pets: So that if a child wanted to tell her family members about my family, she could take the book home and show her brother- this is Karen, Karen’s husband, dog and so on.
My evbook is crammed with ideas for keeping children entertained only99p available to download herhttps://www.amazon.co.uk/Easy-Childrens-Activities-Crafts-Home-ebook/dp/B086ZRR9FW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=336GNA0TWQ5&keywords=easy+children%27s+activities+and+crafts+to+do+at+home+by+Karen+Dennis&qid=1652894537&s=books&sprefix=easy+children+s+activities+and+crafts+to+do+at+home+by+karen+dennis+%2Caps%2C260&sr=1-1e

As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
Lioked with

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Such a great idea!
Thank you
This is such a lovely idea for keeping open communications between yourself and parents. And also great if it’s something little that might want to be mentioned, but not in front of other parents at pick up/drop offs. Thank you for sharing this with the #DreamTeam x
That’s it, exactly, Annette, thanks for having me as always
I think communication books are a great idea and one school I worked in had one for all children. It means that staff and parents can communicate easily and privately rather than having to chat at the door. Thanks for linking up with #DreamTeam
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience with me, Laura