Category: Parenting

February 23, 2017 Karen 20 comments

Managing their child’s behaviour can be one of the biggest challenges for many parents, after all; the “terrible two’s” do start at around 18 months and finish at 18 years, don’t they? The solution to this is simple – reward good behaviour and, wherever possible ignore the bad. The best example I can give of…

February 23, 2017 Karen 2 comments

Another request from Sarah Knight, this time for fussy eaters. Thank you so much Sarah. My experience with my own children, as far as eating goes is that they usually eat most things, until around twelve months, when the picky eating starts. My eldest son would eat a varied diet until this age and then…

February 23, 2017 Karen 15 comments

During my time as a childminder I was asked; on a few occasions (usually by first time parents) what were my feelings towards using a dummy. When I was in my early twenties and expecting my first baby I was under the mind set that no child of mine would ever be seen with a dummy in…

February 23, 2017 Karen 9 comments

Personally, I have never experienced sibling jealousy with my own children. When I was pregnant with my second baby, I told my son who was almost two ,in language that he could understand. We looked at pictures of babies in magazines and borrowed library books etc. He came with me for some of my midwife…

February 23, 2017 Karen 8 comments

Cooking with children is an activity that I have done with both my own children, and the ones I used to child mind. You can simply let the children help with baking, my own children used to like to stand on a chair beside me so that they could reach the kitchen worktop and help…