Category: Pets For Children

November 2, 2024 Karen 2 comments

Kate sent me 2 of her books: A SPECIAL FAMILY CHRISTMAS; This is a lovely book , which made me and the children who I shared the books with feel really Christmassy. We chatted about putting up our Christmas tree. The book is written in a rhyming text, which, as my regular readers will know…

September 26, 2022 Karen 10 comments

I strongly believe that children can benefit from having a pet; as it teaches them about responsibility and caring. for another being. Learn more on this here When I was a child my 2 sisters and I had a variety of pets while we were growing up a tortoise,: rabbits,hamsters, a cat and a dog….

November 13, 2021 Karen 18 comments

As early years professionals, child minders need to have policies and procedures in place to prove to both Ofsted and parents that they are doing all they can to keep the children in their care both safe and happy. Because most child minders work from their own homes, many will have family pets; so having…

August 6, 2021 Karen 15 comments

My husband has just celebrated a big birthday and his main present was 3 ferrets. He used to keep ferrets when he was a lad and decided that he could enjoy them again now. We have 3 females (jills) named Amy Winehouse, Adele and Badger. Ferrets can make good pets for older children provided that…

November 28, 2020 Karen 8 comments

I believe that children can benefit from having a pet and have written several posts on pets for children here However, when a pet dies or has to be put down the pain can be almost too much to bear. My first experience of death was the loss of my pet rabbit, Bambi, when I…

October 30, 2020 Karen 18 comments

This may seem an odd topic for a parenting tips blogger to write about, but pets, especially dogs are a member of our families and can be an asset to any children luckily enough to own one. Are dogs and children a good mix here. There are lots of things that dog owners can do…

July 27, 2019 Karen 15 comments

Should I Get a Pet For My Kids?   We are a family of five: Me, my husband, Cassie, 3, Vivi, 1, and Elliot, 2 months. Right now our lives are pretty busy (as you can imagine) and a pet is the last thing we are considering in these early years. But as the kids…

July 7, 2019 Karen 21 comments

I have always been horse mad and wanted my own horse for as long as I can remember; I used to say that I wanted to marry a rich farmer, as a way of getting my own equine. Sadly that never happened, however, I spent many happy hours riding various horses belonging to others (…

December 15, 2018 Karen 19 comments

In my opinion the best pets for children are:- RABBITS; I have kept a rabbit,or two for most of my life; from regular size rabbits in childhood, to 2 giants as an adult.   If you decide to get a rabbit as a pet for children please don’t let him live at the bottom of…

September 27, 2017 Karen 29 comments

Most children, love animals and rabbits, along, with hamsters and guinea pigs, are firm favourites. Rabbits are cute and cuddly, however, they don’t always like to feel that all four feet are off the ground and therefore, sometimes, will scratch,.at that, I’m not suggesting that they are not a good choice of pet for a…

July 3, 2017 Karen 16 comments

Another instalment of my pets for children, this time it’s fish. When I was a child my father kept a tank of tropical fish in the living room . We were delighted when the guppies had babies, we gathered around the tank to watch them being born which was magical to begin with, the baby…

June 5, 2017 Karen 20 comments

Continuing my theme on my experience of pets for children this time is for budgies. When I was a child we had a fantastic blue budgie we named Kelly, although I think it was a male budgie as if my memory is correct he had a blue area above his beak, whereas females are coloured…

March 2, 2017 Karen 14 comments

  Hamsters are often thought of as an ideal first pet for a child; they can make wonderful pets but beware that they can and may well bite. Hamsters are delicate little creatures, so as with all animals; children should always be supervised by an adult when around them to ensure the children are handling them…

February 25, 2017 Karen 10 comments

I believe that children and dogs can be great together; if managed correctly. When I purchased my German Shepherd puppy “Keira” she was 8 weeks old. I did a lot of research into her breed first (although I have always been an admirer of this type of dog, so knew quite a lot already) I…

February 25, 2017 Karen 11 comments

Cats and kittens can make great pets. Kittens especially look so cute and cuddly; which they can be, but they also come with a good set of claws ready to scratch if they are not happy about a situation! Always supervise children around any animal. A kitten (or any other pet) can sustain a nasty…

February 25, 2017 Karen 12 comments

I thought that as many parents may consider getting a pet to complete their family; I would share my experience of adopting a dog from the “Dogs Trust” When our beloved German Shepherd; Keira, died we were devastated. We got her back in 2006; from an extremely good breeder. Unfortunately in 2007 I suffered a Major Stroke, meaning that all…