Why child minding could be the perfect career option

March 3, 2018 Karen 25 comments

As many new mothers don’t want to leave their young children with a stranger when they go back to work and let’s face it, nowadays, most of us have no choice on the subject of having to return to work after maternity leave because of high mortgage rates and the general cost of living.

Becoming  a registered child minder could be a solution because  a child minder  can take care of their own children while being paid to look after other peoples ( your own children will be included in the number that you are allowed).

It also means that you don’t have to find childcare for your own children while you are working.

I believe that our own children can also benefit from their mum being a child minder. Read more about this in my earlier post.

Another advantage of being a child minder is that because you are self employed you can take on as much (demand depending) or as little work as you choose ( you do have to stay within the permitted number of children that you are registered to have).

Training too can be just the mandatory qualifications, such as first aid or do as much further training as you like. I did as much training as I could fit in from my N.V.Q. level 3 in early years and education to day workshops.

Joining a child minding network is a good decision as it will offer support and training and will introduce you to other child minders.

If anyone is considering becoming a child minder contact your local authority, Pacey or Ofsted to find out more information.

As always questions/comments are welcome, also if anyone thinks that their friends may benefit from reading this please share on social media ( using the links at the top of  the page).

Until next time.



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25 Comments on “Why child minding could be the perfect career option

  1. As a stay at home dad I find it hard enough for people to accept I’m the main career of my own kids. But this could be a great option for mums. (Or accepted dads)

    1. There are several male child minders that I have come across, often they become registered so that they are able to work with their wife, there is also a shortage of men in child care, so could be great for you, don’t let stereotyping put you off!

  2. Please can I have more information in becoming a childminder I have 15 years experience of working with children in nursery/school settings.

  3. Sounds a doddle …..i really do wish they would make it mandatory, to complete a full EYES course and child development course….its a hard job…and you see so many going in to it thinking its like a playdate everyday for their own children….then jacking it in 6 mth after, when they realise its not x

    1. I see where you are coming from Andrea, it isn’t an easy profession, but I believe that if you are prepared to put the time in with the children, it can be easy, I can say hand on heart that I loved every minute when I was a child minder, I did get told by one of the parents I was minding for that it was alright for me because my job was easy compared to hers, to which I replied, well why don’t you register then? She didn’t reply, thanks for your feedback x

  4. If you love children it is the ideal job as it has so many advantages. I know how much you loved it Karen and that you are still in touch with children that you previously looked after. To be a good childminder as you were obviously means dedication and a lot of patience as some children can be hard work at first.

  5. I know a lot of women who became childminders as it fitted in perfectly with their own childcare whilst being able to earn a wage. #mondaystumble

  6. I have worked with children all my working career. I don’t think I could look after my own at the same time as looking after other children but thats just my personal opinion. It could be an option for others and always great to seek info on alternative or new job prospects! Some insightful info! #FamilyFunLinky

    1. It can be challenging at times looking after your own children along side the minded ones, I made it work and believe that everyone can benefit, thanks for sharing your thoughts x

  7. In my job I have met some amazing child minders…simple amazing. I have also met those who go into the profession just to make money and they have been truly awful. Even with Ofsted. It’s a really hard profession and sometimes that is forgotten. I wish there was a minimum qualification that all child minders had to have too. We leave our most precious things with child minders after all. Thought provoking post. #LGRTStumble

    1. I don’t think that you were harse, everyone is entitled to an opinion, I am sure that there are some child minders, who do go into it, for the wrong reasons ( I have come across one or two) that is why a parent should visit several before choosing one, I have written a post on looking for child care which includes what questions to ask the child minder that a parent is meeting for the first time x

  8. I was a childminder for five years, I couldn’t go back to it though! It’s such a hard job and it completely took over our lives. There were plenty of rewarding moments in there too though. #LGRTStumble

  9. My own mum was a childminder for 17 years to look after me without needing to sort childcare. Back then the need for OFSTED was quite new and it was a bit more relaxed. Although it can be a good solution it can be hard to manage your income, although alot of that comes down to having the right policies in place for holidays etc. #familyfun

  10. I have done this for the past few years as it suits my lifestyle and being a stay at home mum. Looking after other people’s children is fun when they are at school going age when it’s only after school care they are needing but I have found babies and toddlers quite a challenge, I always worry that I’m not doing as good a job as their own parent would be and they seem to miss their parents so much, it’s a bit heart breaking at times. #LGRTStumble

  11. I know a number of mums who began child minding when they had their second and sometimes first child. In part it was the cost of childcare but it is a huge undertaking and they all have real passion for child development. I love the idea of it but I’m a realist and sometimes I find my one small child overwhelming. I’m not sure I could manage with more! I don’t think he’d be too keen either. #TriumphantTales

  12. #thesatsesh I think like most caring professions – its not for everyone, I also think it must be rewarding for the right person. Thanks for joining us lovely x

  13. I think it’s a great option for parents who don’t want to return to work or don’t want to leave their children etc. I think it takes a particular skill set to be a child minder, patience being one of them lol and it is a lot of responsibility. I think I would be too nervous but have lots of admiration for those who are child minders. Thanks for joining us at #familyfun

  14. This is a really useful post and with spiralling childcare costs becoming a childminder is a really sensible option. Thanks so much for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

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