Childhood ambitions

February 15, 2019 Karen 21 comments

After watching a programme on the television where children  were asked what they wanted to be when they grow up,I decided to share what myself and others inspired to be as adults when we were children:

My cousin always wanted to be a dance teacher, she now teaches dance part time  as a way of helping others keep fit.

A friend wanted to be an archaeologist, but now works as a receptionist at the hospital.

I wanted to be a vet, a nurse or a teacher ( at various different ages). Then when I was in secondary school a friend and I decided that when we were both married with children we would open a children’s nursery together.

I worked as a civil servant after leaving college and then after having my third child I became a registered childminder ( not quite the nursery I had planned) this option worked well for my family plus I didn’t have the funds to buy the nursery.

My sister, Kim always said that she would be a pet shop owner- between us we decided that we would simply breed from our pet hamsters and rabbits and sell the babies in the shop we hadn’t thought about needing money to buy this shop!

My other sister had the large ambition of wanting to be a cheese maid in Woolworth! this never happened either.


My son’s wanted to be policemen,a fire fighter and a dare devil stunt man; none of them achieved their dreams, but all have good jobs and work hard, making me very proud of them all.

When I was a child minder a boy in my care once asked me ” Can boys be a child minder?”

when I said ” Yes, they can” he told me, ” Great because when I grow up I want to be just like you”

I have lost touch with this person so don’t know what he is doing for employment, but I doubt he is child minding.

Other child minders have told me they inspired to be  a vet, a teacher or a police woman’

My husband wanted to join the Navy when he was a boy, as he was under age he asked his mum to sign the paperwork, but as she refused he eventually became a successful self employed painter and decorator ( if he had joined the Navy I would never have met him)

I would be interested to hear what  childhood ambitions  others had and whether they achieved them.

As always questions/comments are welcome.

Until next time.



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21 Comments on “Childhood ambitions

  1. When I was younger, I desperately wanted to be a frog. Unrealistic, yes. Creative though. I still have ambitions even now as an adult- hopefully one day I can actually get myself to uni and become a midwife!

    1. Ha, this did make me chuckle, I think that I would have been a good midwife, my niece is in her last year of training to be one, thank you for your comment x

  2. I always wanted to be a librarian and would loan out books to my little friends,writing out little tickets with a date for return (there were no computers back then.) It took a while but I started working in libraries at age 30 and finally became a qualified librarian at 33 yrs. It’s wonderful listening to people’s ambitions and whether they achieve them.

  3. Funny how things turn out, I wanted to be a pilot or read the weather on TV, but I failed my physics at school! I’d have made a terrible pilot anyway as I can’t sit still for any amount of time. #KCACOLS

  4. I always wanted to be a dancer or actress but knew practically if I injured myself I’d be out of a job and the latter isnt guaranteed work. Now I’m glad I didn’t do either as it’s such a throw away industry now!
    Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales, I hope to see you back next week!

  5. This is such a cool thought. I haven’t thought about this in a long time. I wanted to be a Sports Doctor and travel with some sporting teams. I ended up getting my degree in Elementary Education and teaching 1st grade! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time!

  6. My daughter wants to be PM and a rock star. I’ve pointed out I don’t think you can be both. She’s then altered it to an Actress and the Mayor. That one I guess might be more achievable….and the skill of acting will help for all that lying in politics…ha!

  7. I wanted to be a police officer, but when the time came they told me I was too naive and needed to get some life experience. Looking back they were absolutely right. I currently work in Customer Service #KCACOLS

  8. Up until I was 12 or so, I wanted to be a teacher and then someone said to me about it meaning being around kids all day, every day, especially if i had my own. I soon changed my mind and wanted to be a journalist. I didn’t achieve it but do write a little for work. Thanks for linking up #twinklytuesday

  9. I wanted to be a writer – I loved making up stories. Finally, after many years in law, I’m giving the writing a go. I may be crazy, but you’ve got to try! #twinklytuesday

  10. I wanted to have a horse farm. Then I realized how expensive that would be. Then I wanted to be a writer. Before all that I wanted to be a princess. What ended up happening: I was a bartender, then I worked in accounting, and now the only money I earn is actually from my writing, go figure. But I’m really a full time mom. Great job but long hours and lousy pay. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time

  11. This is absolutely sweet. When I was younger I wanted to be a gymnast like the ones on the Olympics! #KCACOLS

  12. My son wants to be a Knight! or a Spaceman! It’s starnge that Spaceman is the more likley of his options! Thanks again for joining me at #KidsandKreativity

  13. When I was a child, I wanted to be a creative writer or do something ’arty’ (musician, actor, illustrator or something along those lines). Later I thought being a photographer and perhaps journalist was my goal. Eventually I did a Masters Degree in Art History, and worked in university administration etc for a few years, before leaving to be full-time carer and home educator for our son. I still use words and images a lot in my daily life, not least through blogging, so I guess I’ve not moved too far away from my childhood interests/plans/dreams x #KidsandKreativity

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