Children’s parties-home or away?

March 31, 2018 Karen 18 comments

When my children were young, under the age of starting school I held their birthday parties at home, during the party most of the invited children’s mothers would also stay which meant supplying refreshments for them as well.


We had the usual party games such as pass-the-parcel and musical bumps or statues followed by a birthday tea. Once we even had a small bouncy castle in the play room.

If the weather was kind I would encourage the children to play in the back garden while I prepared the food.I often made my own birthday cake and one year when my son’s 3rd birthday fell just before Easter I made him a Humpty Dumpty cake made from an Easter egg sat on a sponge cake wall. I was really proud of my effort  but my husband and his friend who was filming a video of the party thought it was fun to make bets on how long it would be before my humpty fell off my wall. then when they played the video after the guests had gone home, they had added a written text to the end which said, “cake made by …..(my name”) and cake eaten by nobody! which they thought was hilarious ( the cake was eaten by both the children and adults). I supplied party bags for the children to take home containing a small gift such as a balloon and a bottle of bubbles.

When my boys started school we held their parties at a venue, I am very fortunate in having two superb ventures not too far from home:- the milky way adventure park and the big sheep. Both of these are fantastic as they have various attractions on offer which suit a wide age range from toddlers to adults.

I spent many an afternoon at the milky way when I was a child minder. I have memories of going down the bumpy slide with a small child on my lap and one either side of me

. We also had fun on the bumper cars

and even bottle fed lambs.

Contact the milky way adventure park at

One year we held my youngest childs party at the big sheep . The venue supplied the food that was great

but I opted to take my own bought birthday cake, the problem was when I removed the cake from the box ready to blow out the candles I realised that I hadn’t brought any! luckily the staff at the big sheep came to my rescue  because they had an ample supply of candles which they gave me.

Birthday parties at the big sheep cost £11.50 per person for a standard party including hot or cold food or £13 per person  for a premier party which also includes a party host.

The indoor playroom at the big sheep is  available to hire in the evenings contact them for more information via their website

Both venues will supply party bags for a minimal cost if required.

My middle son now has his own business supplying entertainment for children’s parties. The  parents hire a venue and supply the food and he keeps the children amused.

When my sons became teenagers  they preferred to celebrate their birthdays with friends at a fast food restaurant, so either myself or my husband would drive them  and bring home were we would have the cake.

I have come to the conclusion that having a party at home is ideal when children are tiny and relatively easy to entertain, but having it somewhere else is a better option when they get older and expect more. The advantages are that you don’t have to clean up afterwards and keeping them amused is fun. I used to sit back and watch them having a great time with their friends and joined in when invited.

Disclosure: I have not been paid for this post and all opinions are my own.

I would love to hear  other people’s thoughts on this topic  please share this on social media using the buttons provided.

Until next time



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18 Comments on “Children’s parties-home or away?

  1. Another lovely blog Karen. Children’s parties are always good fun they take a bit of planning and as you have said having them in a hall of some type takes the pressure away. Some mums share a party venue with another parent which cuts cost a lot . This would only work if the children are good friends and that the parents get on well together.

  2. When the Tubblet was small, we used to throw them out into the garden – which worked well. We were also always really lucky with the weather. When they got bigger we moved into the church hall for a bit. Now they tend to go to the cinema and out for a pizza with a few friends. #KCACOLS

  3. I’m definitely with you on the progression of parties! My daughter was born New Year’s Day so I think we’ll just be having small parties at home with family for a few years to come yet, but I expect as she gets older she will probably want to switch the party nearer to the school term and have it somewhere else. Hopefully somewhere that will have the clean up left to someone else too! 🙂 #KCACOLS

  4. I love the younger stage where you could have a few kids over for some fun and cake. Now my daughter is 5 this year and has lots of friendly faces at school I dread where she asks for a big party. I have done I before and I have always said I will never do it again. But at the same time I’m a massive push over x

  5. We’ve still only ever done small parties at home, and my son will be seven in a few weeks time. I think next year might be the year it changes though, and we might do something like take a few of his friends bowling. x #KCACOLS

  6. we had parties at home when they were smaller, then the party became their present, such as a disco for their 13th or a few friends bowling or to the cinema etc we always gave out goodie bags and cake #triumphanttales

  7. I agree that hiring a location when they are older can be much easier. We split the cost too by having a double celebration as Alex friend has his birthday round about the same time. Thank you for linking up to #pointshoot 📷

  8. No matter where you end up having the parties, the kids have a great time. I try to make them as “Pinterest-Perfect” as possible, but there’s not need to stress about kids parties, they’ll remember the theme and their friends, but not the small details.

  9. we have a fairly good sized backyard so we’ve been doing the home party for a while now. This year my daughter is turning 7 and I think she is looking for a bit more. starting to look into places now. The great thing about little kids is that as long as there is cake and presents they are usually pretty content #itsok

  10. My boy just turned 3 last week and we had a small family gathering at home. Even that was stressful enough, I’m not sure how I’ll cope when he’s older! #PointShoot

  11. I’m now planning my daughter’s 1st birthday which will be at home. I imagine in the future we’ll have some away. I remember having rolling skating parties when I was a kid #triumphanttales

  12. So far we’re sticking to home but over the past two years my sister has had her kids birthdays in different places. It’s just easier. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time

  13. I never had a party outside of my house as a child and I hated it! Ben’s first birthday was also his christening party so it doesnt necessarily count, but I’m adamant he’ll have parties outside of our home as I think its part of the fun of being a kid!
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week!

  14. We’ve tended to have birthday family gatherings for my boys at home but for their friends we did parties in a hired hall. There are certainly pros and cons to each isn’t there! Thank you so much for linking up to the #itsok linky!

  15. For the past few years I have been taking my youngest daughter away for her birthday, but this year she had a party – she loved it! We however, much prefered going away for her birthday.
    But either way the kids enjoy themselves! #KCACOLS

  16. My daughter just celebrated 11 and insisted on yet again another party at home, even my soon to be 14 year old daughter wants a home party again this year. When they were little I went all out making the best cakes, now I tend to just bu one, although my 11 year old decided to make her own cake this year, it was quite flat and she iced it orange and put chickens wearing glasses on to which her friends all LOVED! I was slightly hyperventilating lol, why is it they love parties at home so much!? We have had a few at places but they always say the prefer them at home. Great post! Thanks for linking up with us for #ablogginggoodtime

  17. I have done am ix of parties at home and away over the years. Even forging the party itself to go on day trips. We headed to London for my daughter’s 11th birthday. This year she had a sleepover with 8 friends it was absolutely manic but they all loved it! #pocolo

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