I discovered Crafts you’ll love on Facebook.
They offered me a set of 4 coasters to review, I decided that using photos of my dogs would be good, however, Crafts you’ll love will make coasters from any photos: family members, scenery: Almost anything that is personal to you.

I was very impressed by the way my order was handled as soon as I emailed my photos over, I received a message telling me that they had been received and that they would be made into coasters the following day, my order arrived just 3 days after I had sent the photos.

Disclosure: I was gifted 4 coasters for the purpose of the review, but all opinions are my own.

My coasters are great, made from high quality materials, meaning that I can’t wait to have friends over for coffee, to show off my new coasters.

Crafts you’ll love coasters would make great gifts for Christmas and birthdays.

Coasteres retail at £3 each or 4 for £10′
Available via their Facebook page here
Or email:craftsyoullove@hotmail.com
As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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What a great way to display photos! #Dreamteam
Yes, it is, Lydia, thanks for sharing your thoughts
What a lovely idea and give ut a personal touch x #parentpower
It certainly is, thanks for reading, Sam
Love that you put your dogs on there! Enjoy using them. #PoCoLo
Thanks, Lisa,I will
Awww what sweet coasters. These would make a lovely gift! I also love that you popped your dogs on them. Such as fab idea 🙂 Thank you for joining us for the #DreamTeamLinky
They are lovely, aren’t they, Annette?
Thanks for stopping by
What a great idea. They would make a lovely Christmas present.
They certainly would, Jan
What a lovely gift idea! Love the personalisation touch. Thanks for linking up with #dreamteamlinky
It is isnt it,Laura, thanks for sharing your thoughts
That’s a lovely gift idea. Definitely going to keep these in mind for Christmas presents. So cute and individual. #ParentPower
That’s great that I have helped you with idea’s for Xmas gifts thanks for sharing
I can think of severa; relatives who would love a personal gift like this for Christmas or plan ahead for anniversaries! Thanks for linking up with #parentpower
I hadn’t thought of having these as an anniversary gift, they would be great for that occasion too, thanks for the inspiration, Laura
I love these coasters I would love to give them as presents or receive them as a present myself.
Maybe you will receive something like this, thanks for sharing your thoughts, Pearl