Creature teacher

November 23, 2019 Karen 17 comments

This colourful, fun children’s book helps to teach children about animals, numbers and counting to 10.

I would also ask children if they know what noise each animal makes.

The text is written in rhyme making the book even more fun to share with children, who will enjoy the bright, colourful illustrations


Creature teacher is written and illustrated by Becky Robbins. I love this book and would therefore recommend it to everyone.

Young children from around 2 years will enjoy sharing it with an adult and older early readers can attempt to read the clearly printed text for themselves; the rhyming words makes this easier , helping a child to predict the next word- giving them confidence to read more.

Helping and encouraging children to read here

Disclosure: I was sent this book for the purpose of the review, but all opinions are my own.

Creature teacher is published by Austin Maculey publishers and retails at £6.99.

Buy it here

As always questions, comments and topic suggestions are welcome.

Until next time,



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17 Comments on “Creature teacher

  1. What a lovely book. My 3 year old daughter loves books like this and she especially likes making all the animal noises! It is such a lovely thing to sit down and do with her in the evenings after the bath. It’s also a great way to settle down and get her ready for bed I find! Thanks so much for linking up to #KCACOLS and hope to see you back next time x

  2. I love the illustrations in this one. Sadly, my grandchildren are getting too old for this! Wow, that makes me sad.

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