Firstly I must thank my good friend, Sarah Knight for helping me with this post, which is based on her experience:
A lone parent is a parent who has no support from the other parent due to a death of the partner , obviously this makes things fall to the surviving parent 100% there is no respite for that parent as they have nobody else to turn to for advice or even to sound off when they get frustrated or annoyed. They can’t walk away from any situation when the child is being particularly trying, obviously there is no financial support and every single thing is done by the loan parent
.It’s hard work and one l would not wish on anyone . If people think it’s tough being a single parent, then take a step in being a lone parent for a few days and be grateful that they have a partner although they may be not that proactive in their child’s life but at least they’re there for them. When you become ill yourself you have to continue on as normal as yet again there is no want to pick up the pieces.

Holiday on your own as a lone/ single parent is challenging also , never any down time , you are on the go all the time . I hear people talk about ‘me time ‘ and l wonder what that is!

Thanks again, Sarah, I think you are an amazing mum and ‘dad’ to Megan and her daddy would be extremely proud of you both

As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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It’s incredibly tough, but sadly there are lots of lone parents around . I have a friend who is also a lone parent with triplets , l think my life is hard , but hers is triple . X
OMG, triplets on your own, thanks again for your help with this post, Sarah
I honestly cannot imagine how difficult it would be to parent solo!
Me neither, Michele
I think the hardest part is the stress of what happen if you get seriously ill. I guess that’s when the village needs to really chip in. #MischiefandMemories
Absolutely, Lydia, thanks for your comment
I have been both. Newly divorced I was a single parent for 2 years then when my daughter was 14 her father died quite suddenly. Emotionally it was traumatic but, in some ways, discipline was easier than between 2 warring parents following a divorce.
Interesting, thanks for sharing, Pamela
I think many single parents can be lone parents also as not all divorced couples raise their kids in tandem. Sometimes that absent parent just walks away and wants nothing to do with either wife or child.
Absolutly, this happens quite often, thanks for sharing your thoughts
I’m a lone parent. My husband didn’t die, we got divorced and he decided not to be involved in my sons life. We have no help from his parents or mine. The definition is not accurate in this blog. A lone parent can also be someone who chooses to have a child by themselves. But I think a lack of help from grandparents is also a key component.
I get that, Jan, thanks for pointing it out
There is such a collosal difference between single and lone parenting. On call 24/7. And for the child/ren and lone parent dealing with grief and confusion. No matter what the reason for being a lone, or single, parent.
Totally agree, thanks for your input
A good friend of mine lost her husband not very long after the birth of their son. Anytime I start to feel bitchy about being a single dad I think about her and it helps keep things in perspective. #mischeifandmemories
Oh, that’s so sad, for your friend, thanks for leaving your thoughts, Jeremy
I hadn’t realised the difference. Thank you Karen. Either way, I take my hat off to anyone flying solo, it can’t be easy. Thank you for joining us for #mischiefandmemories
Me too, Annette, as always thanks for having me as part of the linky
Sarah deserves a medal! It sounds like she’s doing a great job #mischiefandmemories
Parenting alone is tough under any circumstances but dealing with grief as well is devastating. Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories
Totally, thanks for your comment. Laura
I can’t imagine how difficult that would be. I find it hard with a partner so would definitely struggle alone #MischiefAndMemories
Me too
I’m a lone parent. Never found out who the father was as one left me with broken ribs… Foolish get over guy stalked me.
I prayed for a child for 10 yrs. When it happened I was just out of a relationship… And having fun and being careful.
Anyhow she’s 3 now. I have fought with post natal depression… Every one telling me how to raise my kid their way. I’m in no way a bad person. But Im absolutely overcome and exhausted. My family refused to help from day one… I think because I was a single mum they were afraid they wud get lumbered…. So they took themselves out of the equation from the start.
My wee girls overactive but amazing and I don’t want anyone to dull her sparkle. I want her to embrace her childhood…. And although I need time to me… Every nite I put her to bed I fall asleep exhausted. I hate having no one to suck up some of the pressure…. Or someone to give me an hours sleep. So when some one tells me I’m raising her wrong or I shoukd be doing something else with her… I offer to let them mind her and there’s no takers. So unless u are going to help a lone mum…. Don’t hinder her…. She has enough emotional baggage. 😁
Thanks for sharing your personal story, Annette
I hear you. I have no one to help either. I find routines are key for me. People often don’t get why I don’t make friends and offer to mind other peoples kids so they’ll mind mine. When you work and are a lone parent, you are wrecked most of the time and need down time. We are far more likely to suffer with serious illness due to this. You need routines to ensure you self care.
Thanks for sharing your personal experiences, Jen