Discover and Dig; children’s book review

July 3, 2024 Karen 6 comments

The first thing that attracted me to this book was the bright, vibrant dolourful front cover.

The first illustration in the story is of Trigger’s digger parts; which I know, from experience children particularly boys will really apricate.

Trigger is a digger who wants to find out what he is good at, so he has an adventure to discover exactly what that is.

After a few not so great experiences.

Trigger eventually finds out that digging is what he is is great at!

The book is a great way of explaining to children that although they may not be good at everything: Everyone is good at something!

Disclosure: I was gifted the book for the purpose of this review, but all opinions are my own.

The 32 page book is written and illustrated by Lee Milward.

Every page has a wonderful illustration that will really appeal to children.

The text is printed clearly and large enough for early readers to try to read the book themselves.

Discover and Dig retails at £8.20 and is recommended for children aged 2 to 7 years of age.

I am highly recommending this delightful book to everyone.

It would make a great addition to bedtime routines as a story before settling down to sleep; but would equally be enjoyed at other times of the day too.

Buy it here

As always questions and comments (which I love to read and always reply to) are welcome.

Until next time.



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