Encouraging your child to use the potty for No.2’s!

February 23, 2017 Karen 3 comments

The subject of encouraging your child to do No.2’s (poos) on the potty, has recently come to my attention, both in person and on social media.

I did encounter, this problem, with my middle child, although his problem was of constipation; which in itself can be a vicious circle, it hurt him to go, so he tried to avoid it making the whole situation much worse. It took me a while to figure out, why he wasn’t using his potty for this, shall we say “activity” when he had been using it for doing wees for quite some time.

I actually found him one day hiding behind the sofa, sitting on his bottom in an effort to prevent himself from going. This is when the penny dropped and I realised this was more of a medical issue.

Regular readers will be aware, that I don’t give medical advice, as I am NOT qualified in this field. I only give advice on topics that I have experience of and that I believe will work.

I started to give my son foods that were high in fibre, such as brown bread, fresh fruit, plenty of fluids and even sprinkled bran (obtained from a health food store) over his breakfast cereal. Of course, I also took him to see our doctor, who told me that I was doing all I could to help him and she also prescribed some mild medication. As time went on, I discovered that diluted prune juice ( not syrup) did the trick, he drank it happily from his cup and I would then read him a story, while he was sitting on the potty, crouching down beside him.

Happily, with time and patience and lots of praise when he did manage to preform , he got over his fear and normal service was resumed! My elder son would do a No.2 in his potty, while he was watching his favourite programme on television. I have written more on general potty training in an earlier post.

As I have already mentioned, I don’t give medical advice, but questions of non- medical issues. or comments are always welcome.

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3 Comments on “Encouraging your child to use the potty for No.2’s!

  1. Not more potty stuff, it was my dreaded time, l’m having flash backs !
    l think l asked for your advise ages ago with Meg potty training as she was so difficult. Meg did what you explained hid behind the settee or door and adopted that expression on her face, when l asked her if she needed a pooh, she bluntly told me NO…but of course we all know they mean yes but l rather do it in my pants and be uncomfortable. When l look back l’m just so glad that chapter is over, and l hear so often from other mums the same story….now it makes me laugh !

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