Guest Blog – Baby Sleepy Dust

June 14, 2019 Karen 11 comments

Dear parents-to-be


What I wish I had known as a first time parent!


This is such an exciting time but I, like so many others had not prepared myself to teach my baby to sleep when she arrived and I quickly found myself being woken every hour of the night – I spent six months in a total daze through lack of sleep and was on my knees with exhaustion before I started to make the changes I needed to in order to get her sleeping better.


It was at this point I trained as a sleep adviser, not only to resolve my situation, but to help you too. Babies learn very quickly, they just need to be gently guided towards good sleep habits and there are steps that you can make as new parents as soon as your baby is a few weeks old that will help them to start to develop their natural body clock.


Sleep coaching in the early days means nothing more than helping your baby learn how to put him or herself to sleep so that eventually naps and sleeping through the night become a natural habit.


My favourite 3 starter sleep training techniques are:


Help baby learn the difference between day and night:

  • Feed in the day-time in light, noisier environments. At night feed in a peaceful low light.

Help baby learn how to fall asleep by themselves:

  • Put baby down once fully fed, but before they are asleep. A gentle burping will help if they have nodded off.

Comfort recognition:

  • Have a soft comforter / teddy with you whilst night feeding, the feel & smell (of you) of the comforter will be associated with going to bed.*


By putting in the effort when your baby is still young, you will find you can avoid detrimental sleep habits developing and turning you into the zombie that I was! So this is my message, my gift… making small steps towards good sleep habits in the first few months will make giant leaps towards good, long restful nights for you and your baby as they get older.


Zoe x


My first born is my muse for becoming a gentle sleep coach for babies and toddlers (OCN OTC accredited Sleep Advisor and a Member of the British Sleep Society). I develop tailor made sleep packages, designed to meet the needs and parenting preferences of each individual family. My prenatal and newborn personal and distance workshops give parents the tools to encourage good sleep habits in the fi rst six months. Packages are from just £50. Or give me a call on 07584 493580 (preferably in the day time). *For safety reasons is it recommended that the (from birth) comforter is not left in bed with baby until 6 months

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11 Comments on “Guest Blog – Baby Sleepy Dust

  1. I did sleep training with my older two and it worked perfectly but my third just won’t cooperate! He is now 3 and only just sleeping through most nights. Thanks for linking up with #stayclassymama

  2. some very helpful advice, I had a lot of trouble getting Aspen to sleep anywhere but on me. We ended up getting a sleep expert in, it truly did help. #ABlogingGoodTime

  3. The best piece of advice I ever
    had before I had my first baby was to make sure night feeds were done quietly, in a low lit room with the minimum of fuss.

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