Guest Blog – Top Reasons to Take Your Child to A Childcare Center Service

June 9, 2018 Karen 17 comments

Child care “or also known as “daycare”, a type of service which involves supervision activity of a child or a group of children by persons who have no personal relation to the child’s family. This is a very important and responsible service particularly for the parents of a modern nuclear family when both the parents are working. The age group of children that are admitted may vary from six-week-old baby up to the age of thirteen.

It needs special training and certification to set up a proper child care unit:

Child care needs special skills and training in looking after children admitted to the center. The service mainly carried out by nannies, baby interstice or in some special case voluntary social workers with proper training in child care. 

  • The childcare age is the prime years when the quality of attitudes and sense of ego begins to form in the personality of the child. 
  • Therefore, the targets of child care service should lie in creating a positive and secure environment of learning to develop skills and ability of self-support and self-concept qualities.
  • It is very important to note that a child care service can never substitute the home of the child rather acts as a complementary to their home.

Duties and responsibilities of a child care unit that is strictly to be followed: 

    The child care centers take care of basic needs such as bathing, feeding and poo and pee look after. They prepare hygienic meals and organize the time of meals and snacks of the children.

    They train children to keep good health and hygiene

    Organize activities so that children can learn about words and gets interested in learning.

    It develops schedules and routines to make it sure that children have sufficient physical and recreational activities, rest and play times.

    Monitors signs of emotional or developmental problems in children if any at an early stage. In this instant, they bring the matter inattention of the parents.

Benefits of child care services for single or working parents

A childcare person introduces to babies and toddlers the basic fundamental concepts of reading and learning while playing with them. 

  • This requires a lot of patience and cool mentality. For example, they teach them how to share take a turn while playing games. 
  • They improve the language of the children through storytelling and acting. They also develop their social skills. They develop creativity in children by helping in making something in a sandbox. 
  • They also encourage little and adolescent children in taking part in creative activities like art, dance, and music. Summing up all it can be concluded that child care attendants are the first teacher of the children. 

Classification of childcare workers

Child care center workers, work as a team in childcare center including head start and early head start program of activity. They often take part in teaching children with preschool teachers with planned curriculum.

  • Family child care providers: They normally care for children in provider’s own homes during working hours. They make the childcare workers follow the rules and regulations of the child care center.  During these times he has to complete marketing for children’s food snacks and another requirement including cooking arrangement.
  • Nannies: they normally work in homes of the children they care and their parents who are their employers. Often, they act as fulltime worker for a single family.
  • Babysitters: they also work in the homes of the parents like nannies but do not work full time but occasionally during night and weekends when parents have other obligations.

Summing up above it can be concluded that the services of child care centers are noble and boon for office going parents.

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17 Comments on “Guest Blog – Top Reasons to Take Your Child to A Childcare Center Service

  1. Interesting blog, taking the responsible care of children is an absolute must, parents need to know that thier children are well looked after and safe while away from home.

  2. Having good childcare that you can trust is so important. Good routines can make such a difference too and knowing that your child is in safe hands is reassuring. #familyfunlinky

  3. It’s so important to have people that you trust. Going back to work for me was hard enough. If I didn’t have anyone I felt 100% comfortable with it would have been so much worse. Thanks for sharing with #TriumphantTales.

  4. More good advice. I agree feeling confident in your care provider is so important. Thank you for linking up to #pointshoot 📷

  5. #thesatsesh I was so lucky to have a fab provision in my place of work. It was almost like he never left my side. Like you mentioned, i was confident with the provider.

  6. My friend works in a child care center and it’s only through her that I’ve come to realise the amazing work they do at the centers and also the fantastic support and services they provide. We really are lucky to have that kind of thing at our disposal in the UK. Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub with this x

  7. Childcare isn’t something I have had to find for my two thankfully. This is a very informative read ‪Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky‬

    1. Thanks although I have to admit that I didn’t write this particular post, it was written by a guest writer for my blog

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