Paloma Faith has been reported of saying that she felt guilty about having a second child: She said that she felt that she was being disloyal to her daughter and was concerned that she couldn’t love another offspring as much as the first ( did she have enough love for them both?)

Will I love a second child as much as the first here
I think this is quite a common concern that parents don’y like to admit to feeling.
Personally it wasn’t something that I worried about as I had always wanted children and knew that I would be able to love them all; in fact after having my last baby I became a registered child minder and found a space in my heart to feel affection for each child that I cared for too.
When I was expecting my second child I started to prepare my 2 year old son for the new arrival by looking at books together and talking about new babies ( I also had friends who had recently had second children who we visited ).
When my second son came home from hospital with me I encouraged my toddler to help look after him.

Sibling rivalry here
Did you have second baby guilt? Please share any experiences with me.
As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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Everybody ever.. And 3rd,4rh 5th for me.. Almost felt like i shoukld of apologised to the existing children for having more…. My kids all love each other now aged
Thanks for stopping sharing your , Amanda
So funny that we were just having this conversation at breakfast, remembering how we worried, and how baseless those worries were once we laid eyes on our sweet second son!
Thanks for stopping by with your comment, Michele
I’d never even thought of it that way. I can imagine any worries would just melt away once a new arrival was on the scene. Thank you for joining us for the #mischiefandmemories linky.
That’s exactly what usually happens, Annette, thanks for sharing your thoughts
Haha I didn’t have the option to feel like this as I had two at once, but I can totally imagine how crazy it must be going from one child that you’ve given all your attention to, to two! #mischiefandmemories
Twins are double the fun, aren’t they, Hannah? Thanks for sharing your thoughts
I think a lot of mums experience second child guilt and worry about dividing their attention and stretching their love to cover both children. I do remember wondering how I would cope but my biggest struggle in the early days with two was not feeling like I was bonding with my second child. Thankfully that did improve! I agree that it’s important to prepare children for a new sibling. #PoCoLo
Thanks for stopping by with your thoughts and experiences, Louise
I definitely had anxiety when pregnant with my second! I was terrified that I wouldn’t be able to love her as much as my eldest as that felt so consuming, as well as hguilt that neither of them would have my undivided attention. Now I have 3 and adore them all! Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories
Thanks for sharing your experience, Laura
As a mum of four I would say there’s plenty of love to go round – plus the additional love & attention from all the siblings! #mischiefandmemories
Absolutely, thanks for stopping by
I remember a friend saying that with each child (she had six) your love expands and I love that way of expressing is, because it’s so true. One doesn’t take from the other. #PoCoLo
Oh, that’s lovely, thanks for sharing, Cheryl
I didn’t feel this when I had my second baby, but I did feel guilty when I then went on to have twins. I felt that my second child basically lost mummy and daddy as we were all consumed with twin babies when he was just a baby himself at 2 years old. I made sure and still do make sure to let him know how very much I love him. I have found that each of my four need love and attention in different ways so it is easy to give them all the love that they want and I want to show #MischiefAndMemories
Sounds as if you did everything right, thanks for sharing your story
My kids are adults and they are 18 months apart. My daughter who is older didn’t really like her brother for a long time because of him being younger and needing more attention that she did. As they got into high school, she kind of became his guide and tried to keep him out of trouble.
The thing is I always tried to make sure that they were both included in things I was doing.
True sibling love, thanks for sharing your story
Not a feeling I experienced or ever thought about as a mum of 5Thanks for joining in with #pocolo and hope to see you back soon
Oh, O.K thanks for having me as part of the linky, going to link up another right now