With yet another lockdown in force, it doesn’t look as though the children will be going back to school for a while yet: These are my home school hacks to help:-
Be prepared:
just as if children were in school get them to have their pencil case ready before you start; they won’t then have the excuse of having to look for a writing implement before getting their head down to work.

Keep school and home life separate by setting up a designated place to do school work, getting children to wear school uniform or at least a school sweatshirt during this time may also help to distinguish between home school and home life.

Make a timetable:
So both you and the children know how long you are going to spend on each subject, when you are stopping for a snack or lunch etc.
Keep snacking under control, don’t let children stop for a packet of crisps whenever they feel like it,
Structure is vital so prepare a packed lunch the evening before ( just as if they were at school) that way you won’t have to spend time making lunch.
Praise when praise is due:
Telling your child that he has done well to sit and concentrate ( if he has) will go a long way towards more sucessful home schooling.
Learning doesn’t have to be just work sent from school:
Cooking is a great way to learn some maths if children weigh out the ingredients for themselves

Utalise television and online learning:
Technology can be a huge part of learning, both in school and at home. Many T.V. channels are broadcasting educational programmes to help with home schooling.

Get enough sleep:
Resist the temptation to let children stay up late every night because they don’t have to get up for school the following morning- no one works well if they are tired, it’s important for you to get enough sleep too, as their teacher!
More home school tips here
Please share any tips that you have for home schooling.
As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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Gosh you’ve managed to give a lot of help to parents with children who need home schooling.. The idea of making every day as much of a normal school day as possible is so good. It must be very hard trying to fit everything needed along with normal work. It must be especially difficult if there are several children of different ages.a brilliant as usual
Thanks for your kind words, Pearl, I’m glad that my children are grown so I don’t have to worry about home school
Good tips – definitely agree with keeping the bedtime routine normal. My two are wrecks if they don’t get to bed on time! #mischiefandmemories
Glad to hear that you agree with my thinking, Hannah
A great list of hacks to help with home schooling. I’m also with you with kids bedtimes. It’s so easy to slip up and give the green light to stay up a little bit late each night, but in the long run it doesn’t help anyone at all. Thank you for joining us for #MischiefAndMemories
Thanks, Annette, pleased to hear that you also agree with my thinking
It is so important to have clear boundaries between work and play time so that the necessary focus can be found to stay on task without distraction. Break times and getting outside are also important, especially as so much time is on screens.Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories
Absolutely, Laura, thanks for having me a part of the linky
Sounds great advice, and I can’t even imagine the pressure that parents and their kids are under right now. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
Me neither, Stephani, thanks for sharing your thoughts