I have my friend. Sarah, to thank for this topic suggestion.
Whereas some parents would be horrified by the very thought of Christmas shopping in September; I would say, no, it’s never too early to start.

For one, I love Christmas and I shop for it all year round as this helps to spread the cost. I look out for suitable gifts in the sales.
Many shops will have some good price reductions now as the children go back to school, so surely it makes sense to start buying presents now?
However, bear in mind that children may change their mind about what they want for Christmas.

Many years ago my son’s asked for roller hockey sticks, that they played in the street outside our house. I was pleased when I managed to buy 3 sticks in a sale, after struggling home with them while pushing my youngest son in his buggy, I found a place to hide them away until the big day arrived.
The following week my step-son came home from spending time with his mum and told me that she had bought him a roller hockey stick for Christmas! It was back to the drawing board.
Another disadvantage of buying Christmas gifts for children as early as now is having to find a suitable place to hide them for the next 3 months.
Any presents that come with a guarantee will be 3 months into it before the person even opens their gift.
My biggest tip if you do start Christmas shopping early is to write down what you have bought and for who because if you are anything like me, you will forget and end up doubling up on presents ( which if you are really organised you could put away for the following year!)
Do you intend to start shopping for Christmas now, or will you be dashing around on Christmas eve still getting what you need?

Please share any thoughts and experiences.
More on Christmas with children here
As always questions, comments and topic suggestions are welcome.
Until next time.
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I think we’ll start looking at bits in the next month or so. But yes, great tip to write it down. My husband does a lot of it and by Christmas Eve he’s got so much he’s forgotten about! #KCACOLS
Thanks for sharing your experience
I definitely agree there are no moral objections to buying Christmas gifts all year round, just practical issues, as you mention. Love your tips! #KCACOLS
Thank you. Astrid
You covered every point that I’ve experienced in shopping early! When the kids are really little you can easily get away with it but once they start making lists and having a strong opinion on what they want, it is really chancy. I do get little things early and have a list in notes on my phone because I have forgotten too many times! #KCACOLS
Thanks for sharing your experience, Becky
I start early and keep a list in my planner so I know what’s in inventory.😄
Good idea, Michele
I think that for budget reasons it makes sense to start shopping early. I found that by spreading things out over three to four months it’s a lot less stressful. She probably ends up with more stuff than she would otherwise but it takes away from that horrid january moment when you open that credit card bill and wince #KCACOLS
Thanks for sharing your experience, Jeremy
Never too early. I like to pick up smaller gifts and stocking fillers early and spread the cost. Great tip on writing it down I have ended up doubling up because I have forgotten what I already bought before. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS
Thanks again for your comments, Jade and for having me a part of the linky
No i started doing a little bit each week on August so I don’t get overwhelmed or stressed about money x #kcacols
That’s excatly how I do it, Sam
I don’t really like thinking about Christmas until November, or at least after my own birthday in late October. However, if I come across something before then, which think would be a great gift, I might still buy it and hide it away. I agree it’s a good idea to spread the cost, but I also think it would be a good idea for most families to spend less on Christmas gifts. Christmas should be something to enjoy, not something to cause worries for many months… Thank you for sharing this post with us at #KCACOLS! x
That makes sense to me, Malin
I’ve almost completed our Christmas shopping so I can budget for other events happening next spring.
Wow! you are organised, Jennifer
Totally agree, she is an amazing parent
I don’t buy things that might need an exchange, but I do shop by September for Christmas gifts, we’ve never spent large amounts at Christmas anyway. Thanks for sharing with #pocolo
Thanks for having me as part of the linky