When I was a registered child minder I did charge for a child’s holiday: I would accept half the usual fee if I was given at least 2 week’s notice ( this worked for me as I was always in demand and could sometimes fill a holiday space from the supply teachers that I worked with, or a child from social services; I even had a child sent by the police once as the mother had been arrested and couldn’t be interviewed with a baby in her care).
I f a parent didn’t provide me with the two week’s notice then I charged the contracted full fee.As otherwise I would be down on my income, plus if I had more than one child away on holiday at the same time my income would be considerably less.

Sticking to contract here
I didn’t charge for my own holidays- although some child minders do allow themselves a few weeks paid time off every year.

My policy was that if I was available for work then I charged full fee if a parent chose not to send their child; often on a bank holiday more here
But if I wasn’t available to work because I was on holiday, I felt that it was unfair to make the parents pay.

We tended not to take family holidays during the school summer break, as this was the busiest time for both myself and my husband who was a self employed painter and decorator.
Most of his work was carried out outside, so the summer was best and as I took on extra older children during the school holidays: Why would we stop working during the period that brought in the most money?
How do you feel about child minders charging for holidays?

As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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Yes I charge half price if given 4 weeks notice and if not they get charged full price No payment if I go on holiday
That’s similar to how I worked, Emma, thanks for sharing
I think we had to pay half. But in the centre I think you just paid. Can’t remember now. Don’t think it’s wrong. #Dreamteam
Thanks for leaving your thoughts and experience, Lydia
I charge full fees for children’s holidays, but none for mine.
I work on the “if the place is available it’s chargeable” premise.
Thanks for taking the time to share this, Lynne, that’s excatly how I did it
I charge full fee for child’s holiday but none for mine. I also charge for bank holidays but I do not work on bank holidays. The way I look at it is parents get paid for bank holidays and for entitled holidays so why not me.
Thanks for tell me how you deal with holidays,Nicola
I think it is perfectly reasonable to charge a fee as it is the parents’ choice to not send them. Giving notice is a common courtesy. Thanks for linking up with #DreamTeam
Thanks again, Laura for sharing your thoughts
I don’t charge for my holidays and I take 5 weeks off a year but if children are off at a different time .. full fees are paid! I just had 2 siblings that went on holiday for 10 days and without that income it just wouldn’t be financially viable
Thanks for sharing this, Sarah
I am in no way an expert in this but I feel if you have a contract that says when they should pay or not pay and they agreed to the contract and signed the contract then they know your policies. I love the other ideas in the comments. If they are not using your services on holidays half price sounds reasonable and if the are double sounds good too. I think notices in advance would be extremely helpful. Are there any child minder guide books, just curious? In any case I think you are doing fabulous! #dreamteam
I, like most registered child minders attended a pre-registration course that point us in the right direction as to what we should charge parents, thanks for your comment and question, Esme
I’m fairly sure that we paid full price for our daughter if we took her out of her childminders to go on holiday. But also bearing in mind that our childminder had set holiday periods and the setting would close with no charge during this period. We always felt that this was very fair. Thank you for joining us for the #DreamTeam xx
Thanks for sharing your experience, Annette
I think that parents and minders need to be respectful of each other and remember that a service is being provided and time valued. Thanks for linking up with #DreamTeam
Totally with you on that, Laura