A well known singer has admitted to crying in front of her child and is concerned that this may have damaged him a report has said this week.
So is it wrong to show your emotions in front of children?
We had to have our beloved German shepherd dog put to sleep when my son was about 13. We all cried when we got back from the vet: myself, husband and our son, we also got comfort from each other, by talking about the great life that we had given our dog before he became ill.

My granddaughter heard me sobbing a few years later when we lost another dog. I was worried that hearing me so upset would trouble her, but she seemed to take it in her stride,
Many years later when her great grandad passed away, she comforted her mummy who was crying, by telling her that great grandad would be able to look after my dog in heaven.
Explaining the death of pet here
I think that parents and other adults should talk openly to children about how they are feeling and explain that it’s alright to be upset sometimes,

Obviously getting hysterical in front of a child on a regular basis isn’t going to do anyone any good. but talking in the calmest way possible to children about why you are emotional has to be the best solution, surely?

Please share any thoughts and experiences with me.
As always questioms and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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I definitely feel that showing your emotions isn’t necessarily a bad thing indeed, but a parent should be careful not to turn their child into the caretaker in this situation. For example, at my grandpa’s funeral, my mother ran to me (age 8) crying after giving her speech. I think in this particular case she should have come to my father for comfort instead.
I feel that openly showing emotions in front of children can be both positive (in that it shows a child that emotions are okay) and negative (in that it turns the child into the caretaker) depending on the situation. Like you say, expressing emotions while relatively calm is totally okay, but hysteria is not. #KCACOLS
Thanks for sharing your personal story, Astrid
We 100% show emotion in front of our kids. Demonstrating how to deal with emotion, name them, and move past is an important way to grow emotional health in children. #KCACOLS
Thanks for sharing this with me, Kendra
I totally agree with the comment from Kendra . Children can cope so well with emotion and can be such a comfort for thier parents at these. times . A hug or a kiss from your children is much appreciated and certainly helps.
Thanks for your feedback, Pearl
I think it’s really important for children to see that we can’t be happy all the time and it’s ok to be cross and it’s ok to be sad. #MischiefAndMemories
Absolutely, thanks stopping 3
I think that letting children know that everybody has emotions and that they are nothing to be ashamed of is a good thing. Like you say, nonstop drama and carrying on isn’t a good thing of course. #KCACOLS
Thanks for leaving your thoughts, Jeremy
I think that it is vital that we show our emotions in front of our children. Life isn’t plain sailing and children need to see that peaks and troughs are normal and that we can help each other along the way by sharing the load #MishchiefandMemories
Thanks for stopping by with your thoughts
I think it is so important for children to see adults expressing all emotions and how they are managed. How else do we learn. It is awful that so many of us go through life hiding our emotions from those closest to us. #KCACOLS
Totally agree, Jade, thanks for reading and taking time to leave your comment
It is tough one as too much can be hard on them. I think nothing is not good either. Like anything to do with parenting is a balance x #kcacols
Absolutely, Sam
Great post ! I agree to show our emotions .. being vulnerable in front of our kids is not always a bad thing. But there are certain situations that we should understand our kids may not fully understand.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Iveth
I have often cried in front of the children as well as displaying other emotions. I always try to explain why I am behaving in this way so that my children understabnd that emotions are natural and human. Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories
Sounds like you handled it well, Laura
I just read Notes on Grief and Adichie touches a little on this. I think a little is ok, but it depends on what it mans – if it’s bringing on anxiety for your kid, then bury it until privacy is possible, but if it’s just expressing pain or sadness, that will pass, then a good example to share as it teaches them about emotions and how to comfort.
Absolutely, Lydia, thanks for stopping by with your comment
I think children are stronger than we think – we lost one of our cats this year and we all cried about it together, which I think is a good thing and helped show the kids it’s good to show and share your emotions. Thanks so much for linking up with #KCACOLS
Sorry to hear about your loss, thanks for leaving your thoughts and experiences