Making the best of children having to share a bedroom

April 16, 2021 Karen 28 comments

The concept of children having a bedroom to themselves in a relativity new idea; years ago when families were bigger children had to share a room.

When I was a girl, I was lucky enough to have my own bedroom: I was the eldest of 3 girls. My younger sisters shared a larger bedroom, which worked quite well, but I do recall the middle sister writing her name on the label in her pants to ensure that only she wore them!

When my 2 sons were small they had a bedroom each. My eldest was 2 years old when his baby brother arrived .

They would play downstairs with their toys, but as they grew older they often played in the older child’s room together as this was the larger of the children’s rooms

When I married my second husband, who also had a son, my 2 children had to share a bedroom for the first time. We put bunkbeds in the room where the eldest slept on the top bunk.

I let them have a wall each to put their choice of posters on, my eldest had posters of football stars and the younger chose pictures of cars.

Letting each child decide how ‘their wall’ is decorated is another way of making at least part of the room feel personal to them.

My granddaughters share a bedroom, while their older brother has his own room; this works well except that my older granddaughter sometimes complains that her sister is messy .

Modern houses tend to have 2 double bedrooms ( one for the parents) and a box room, more suitable for a baby’s nursery, meaning that if you have more than one child they will have to share a room.

Having a boy and a girl can be problematic; there is no law that says they can’t share a bedroom, but from the age of around 10 they may feel uncomfortable about getting undressed in front of each other: I would solve this by suggesting that one of them uses the parents bedroom for this or to put up a screen to protect modesty.

Please share any expereiences of children sharing a room.

As always questions and comments are welcome.

Until next time.



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28 Comments on “Making the best of children having to share a bedroom

  1. I shared a room with my sister by choice until 18/19 then I found I couldn’t sleep without her little snoring and missed the companionship however my partner opted for the box room once he reached 15 ish and younger brother was 13 ish. I’d say it’s very much dependant on the child. I mind boy/girl siblings and couldn’t even imagine them sharing as they crave their own space so much

  2. I had three girls the eldest had a smallish room on he own while two younger girls shared a room. My two youngest girls got on fine with this and we never had any problems with this .they were so close in age which obviously helped. When they were really young the three of them shared a room ,the eldest in top bed of a bunk and the youngest in her cot.

  3. My 4 sons always lived 2 to a room. In fact, my oldest, now married, went from here to college and marriage, never having had a room to himself. 😁 He has survived nicely.

  4. I’m an only child so have never had to share a room- I don’t think I’d have enjoyed it to be honest, I much prefer my own space. It’s a great idea to have a wall each to decorate, I think that personalisation is very important and I love the story about your sister labelling her pants!

    Katrina x

  5. We have 3 in one bedroom & the baby in with us – it’s all they’ve ever known & on the occasions where we’ve stayed elsewhere & they’ve had a chance to be on their own they always want to share! #mischiefandmemories

  6. There are so many handy ways of making bedroom sharing fun these days. Oh to be little again! That being said, I never shared a bedroom – but always wish I had. Thank you for joining us for the #mischiefandmemories linky.

  7. At the moment my eldest has his own room but this will change as my daughter gets more self conscious about changing. The only problem then is that my eldest will have homework and need to stay up later and won’t be able to have a desk in the shared room with his younger brother. We are looking for a bigger house so that the children can have their own space. Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories

  8. My kids share rooms. We have the two girls in one and the two boys in another. We do have another bedroom spare that someone could have and maybe one day will want to, but at the moment that is their games room and it works brilliantly. They have a break out space when they want to be away from one another, but equally have their sibling for company #MischiefandMemories

  9. I’m so glad I have just the one child! I always remember as a kid myself constantly arguing with my Brother over how we wanted our room. Sadly, as the younger of the two, I very rarely won!

  10. I only have one child so she obviously has her own room. And as a child, we always had our own rooms except when we were in a tiny rental between moving houses. I definitely think it is manageable for kids to share a room and be happy, but personally I feel it is nice for them to have their own space if possible. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS.

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