I think that most of us start the new year with good intensions, but most don’t stick to our resolutions:
As a young girl I came up with a plan at the beginning of a new year that I thought would help me to get rich: If I saved a penny every day by the beginning of next year I would have £3.65! ( not quite the get rich plan that I was hoping for).
As I grew older and secondary school was looming, I decided that when I started later that year, I would read through all of my work carried out at school each day when I got home, so that when it came to revision for exams it would be much easier; of course I never stuck to my idea, I don’t think that I even managed to this after the first day.

New year resolutions for families could be:-
To to a weekly activity together, whether it’s a family walk or a bike ride

Tips for keeping healthy here
To eat more healthily tips here
To take care of ourselves and each other
Parents may decide to get children to bed at a decent time
Bedtime routines here
Finding the time to play with your children will benefit all of you, just something simple like building a den together would be appricated I’m certain.

Talk to each other more.
As an adult I decided to get fitter by going for a run at the weekends, at school I was quite good at cross country running, but I had the incentive then of chasing after the bottom of a particular boy that I fancied, so running never happened more than once either.
Like most woman I have started diets and not stuck to them, however, a friend has just told me that she and her husband have stuck to their’s so far this year.

Another friend who made a Christmas wreathe has said that she is going to start doing more arts and crafts as a way of spending time on herself doing something that she enjoys

Have you made any new year resolutions? Please share them with me.
Happy new year to everyone reading this!
As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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I don’t really do NY resolutions – sometimes goals but tbh last year was such a shocker I’m not bothering this year haha! #kidsandkreativity
Popping over from #mischiefandmemories too 🙂 🙂
Ha!, thanks for sharing with me, Hannah
Also popping in from #kcacols 🙂 🙂
I always love the idea of Resolutions. I make mine forgiving – like one year I decided if I sew a seam in the quilt I was making on 100 of the days in the year it would be great. This year I am vowing to learn and USE to use the new kiln thing I bought last year. Plus read x books, which I usually manage to do. Good Luck on your goals!
Wow!,I’m impressed, Jeanne, you put me to shame, thanks for comment and happy new year
Some nice ideas here. I do try to get the family out once a week, although they are so used to being inside these days they are increasingly reluctant. I am so glad National Trust grounds are still open as the boys can just about be persuaded to join me on a local outing if the gardens are grand enough.
I’ve always a bit scared of new years resolutions, as I know that as soon as I set myself a rule I’ll want to break it. A gentle trend towards healthier eating is where I’m going at the moment. Although all this sitting down near the fridge is not helping. #MischiefAndMemories
Ha!, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences
Mine is quite generic. Be more mindful. But I think I can apply it to lots of areas. Be more mindful of waste. Be more mindful of how much screen time I am doing. Be more mindful of taking time to unwind and d something for me. Lots of little things. #mischiefandmayhem
Great resolutions, Claire, thanks for sharing
After the year we’ve just had I’m not setting nay resolutions, I tend to be overambitious when setting goals and inevitably I fail which makes me feel worse than when I started! So no resolutions this year, just be as happy as I can! #KCACOLS
Can’t say that I blame you, Katrina, thanks for sharing
We’ve taken a bit of a step back from New Years resolutions and are instead taking things one day at a time! LOL. It probably sounds funny, but having teeny weeny goals each day that we can actually achieve is having a positive effect on us all during this lockdown. Thank you for joining us for #MischiefAndMemories
That’s a great idea, thanks for sharing, Annette
I haven’t made any new resolutions for a while now. I think the last successfull resoloution was 8 yrs ago when I gave up smoking x x #MischiefAndMemories
Congratulations on achieving the giving up smoking and thanks for sharing it, Stephani
We could certainly do with some help with our bedtime routine – it’s gone out of the window since lockdown! #mischiefandmemories
That doesn’t sound good, best of luck
I’ve occasionally managed to stick to resolutions – I made a resolution a few years back to improve my language skills and I’ve been doing French each day on Duolingo every since and have now added German and Welsh. I also started doing a daily gratitude project five years ago which I still do now. I think these have worked though because it only takes a few minutes each day to achieve them. Sophie’s resolution this year is to learn to hula hoop. #KidsandKreativity
That’s fantastic, well done, thanks for sharing, Louise
Whilst going through my paperwork on my desk, I found my goals for 2020 and hadn’t done a single one! Not sure 2021 will be my year to stick to anything either… Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories
Ha!, thanks for sharing this, Laura, happy new year
Thanks for joining us on the #MischiefsandMemories linky again this week. I must say I am not one for resolutions, but I do always reflect at this time of year
Thanks for having me a part of the linky
So important to talk to each other a lot especially nowadays with all the mental health issues swirling around #MischiefandMemories
Absolutely, Kate,thanks for the reminder
Oh I love this, great read – thank you! #Kidsandkreativity
Thanks for your kind words
Some really good suggestions here, and lovely photos too! I don’t usually make new years resolutions, but always see the new year as a chance to review how we live, and perhaps make some changes, when necessary. Thanks so much for linking up with #KCACOLS, I hope you come back again next time x
Oh, thanks ,Making, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts also
Awesome content!
My new years resolution is to become the best version of myself.
Thanks for sharing this, Terry
I don’t set resolutions any more but aim for smaller goals. i like the idea of incorporating more arts and crafts too! #KCACOLS
Smaller goals are more achievable aren’t they, Emma? Thanks for your input
Popping back from #KCACOLS – hope it’s all going well x
We used to make resolutions, this year we haven’t. Just decided not to put anymore pressure on ourselves with what’s going on. Thanks for sharing at #KidsandKreativity x
That sounds reasonable, Kerry, thanks for stopping by