lThis is the first installment of the pasta kidz and petz adventure stories, which are written by Byrony Supper and illustrated by Julien Bray. The front cover is glossy and has vibrant colours.
The story tells of an inventor and his assistant. The text contains some nonsence words which will appeal to children ( at the end of the book is a glossery explaining the meaning of these words). There are also some ryming short songs which again will please children of various ages. The moral of the tale is to have patience, take your time and not to rush into things that you are not sure about, throughout there are bright colourful illustrations.
At the end of the book is an introduction to all the pasta kidz who will appear in the follow on books.
I enjoyed reading this book as it is a little different. in a good way, from the average children’s book and I would recommend it as a feel good story to share with your children.
The Iventing tubes is suitable for children aged 4-7 years. It is published by Juvenile fiction and retails at £4.99
Disclore: I was sent this book for the purpose of the review but all opinions are my own.
As always questions/comments are welcome
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How fun! I love that there is a glossary of the fun nonsense. 🙂
Karen, I like learning of new children’s books as I have a couple of up-and-coming little readers amongst my friends, and books make wonderful gifts.
Sounds like a fun book – who doesn’t like a bit of nonsense? Thanks for sharing it with us #sharethejoylinky
This looks really interesting book, something my eldest would really enjoy X #pointshoot
Oh I love the look of their pasta hair. Thank you for sharing 🌟 #PointShoot 📸
#thesatsesh am i correct in thinking its a series? i feel like i may have read something similar with my son?
I t is a series, yes, but brand new
What a fun kids book! TY! #pointshoot xo
Great to have the glossary there to be able to tell the kids what it all means! Unless of course they know and we prove our age hehe! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
This seems to be a good idea, glad there is a glossary to stop any confusion! Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriujmphantTales. I hope to see you back next week!
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