Review of Snow in the garden

December 8, 2018 Karen 19 comments

Snow in the garden is written and illustrated by the wonderfully talented Shirley Hughes.

Shirley Hughes has always been one of my favourite children’s authors, I read her books to my own sons and to the children that I used to child mind.

Snow in the garden is her latest publication, it is a hardback book that will delight everyone, even adults.. The book not only has stories and poems, but there are also some  Christmas activities and simple recipes which children can make with some help.

Many of the poems are written in rhyme and the stories often feature scenarios  which children will be familiar with, such as taking part in a school nativity play and welcoming a new baby sibling


As always Shirley’s illustrations  are magical many are pictures of homely situations that children will be familiar with.


Disclosure: I was gifted this book for the purpose of the review but all opinions are my own.

Snow in the garden is published by Walker books and retails at £12.99

It is recommended for ages 5 plus, but much younger children will also enjoy listening to the stories and rhymes and, of course, looking at the colourful illustrations.

I highly recommend this book to everyone  as it will be read and enjoyed for many years, the book has a real feel good factor, which makes me passionate about children’s literature.


As always questions, comments and topic suggestions are welcome.

Until next time.




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19 Comments on “Review of Snow in the garden

  1. Oh my goodness…I have to get this! I’ve never heard of it before. We have ALL of Shirley Hughes’ “Alfie & Annie Rose” books and we adore them. I remember them so fondly from my childhood too (so much so that I considered calling our daughter “Annie-Rose”!!) We’ve recently read “Dogger” too and I have a book of her poetry, but this one is definitely one to add to our collection! Thank you!! #KCACOLS

    1. Totally agree with you, this is Shirley’s latest book, that’s why you haven’t come across it yet, my son who is now in his thirties can still quote pieces from the Dogger story, that’s the impact that a great author has, thanks for your feedback x

  2. #thesatsesh yes to Shirley 🙂 I absolutely adore the Alfie series and Lucy and Tom. I kept my collection and have added to them with my son – they are beyond gorgeous and I shall now add this beauty to my xmas shop.

  3. I’d never come across Shirley Hughes until we had our daughter. I’ve got such fond memories of spending seemingly hours poring over her amazingly detailed illustrations. We loved Ollly and Me and I’ve still got some tucked away for prosperity! Love the look of this book. #kcacols

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