Review of things Evie eats

May 18, 2017 Karen 13 comments

When Suziw got in touch to ask if I would be interested in reviewing one of her books I jumped at the chance as I have been a fan of children’s literature since falling ‘in love’ with the Gruffalo  while I was a registered child minder.The things Evie eats is written by Suziew and has amazing illustrations by Lillian Dawson.

The book tells the story of Evie, who is a very fussy eater, preferring to play with rather than eat her food. When Evie says that she wants to eat flowers her family cleverly make her food into flower shapes making it attractive and more appealing she then eats everything


This is a delightful book with fantastic illustrations of familiar items that children will recognise  and so can be encouraged to look for and point out to an adult reader, therefore aiding communication skills


I would recommend this book this book to any parents, but it could be especially useful to parents and carers who have a fussy eater as it may encourage the child to try new foods and give the adults inspiration to make food fun.

I have written a blog post on fussy eating titled, how to avoid do I have to eat all this?

Disclosure: I was sent this book for the purpose of the review, but all opinions are my own.

Things Evie eats can be purchased for £6.50 from Beresford Publishing house or visit where an accompanying free activity pack can be obtained also.

As always questions/comments are welcome





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13 Comments on “Review of things Evie eats

  1. Looks like a really good book with lovely illustrations , be a favourite book that will good for brothers and sisters alike. A lot of books seem to only be suitable for one sex. Sure this one is a winner for Suziew

  2. Thank you so much for your review, Karen. I’m glad the post finally managed to deliver the parcel 🙂

  3. Wow what a great book and review Karen, l am lucky that Megan is not a fussy eater. but some nice little tips about making food in to pretty things. l will pass on this information to a friend that has fuss pots !

  4. Wow this looks a fab book Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

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  6. Oooh I have a fussy eater! Perhaps I should give this go. Both my two love books as well and we could do with a new one to the collection! Thanks for the inspiration and for joining us at #familyfun

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