When my children were attending pre-school , there used to be a system known as rota-mum. This was where the mums (or dads) of the children were asked to stay and help at a session once or twice a term
In my experience because this was optional and not essential, it was the ‘same old parents’ who would be willing.
When my eldest was at pre-school being a rota-mum worked well for us as I was permitted to take along my younger son ( I think I only counted as half a mum because of having a little one of my own in attendance). I was also given a 50% reduction on my older sons session fee, my younger child loved coming with me because it made him feel like ‘a big boy’ like his brother.
When my third son was at a different pre-school and I again stayed as a rota-mum, he would act up. The play worker in charge assured me that he was a model child when I wasn’t there, but while I was he seemed to think that he could misbehave.
As a rule, rota-mums were not allowed to take children, other than their own to the toilet but because I was also a registered child minder and had therefore been police checked I was able to do this and the other helpers seemed more than happy for me to take what seemed like 100’s of children to the toilet!
One time that I was helping a child asked me to write her name on her painting, after telling me how to spell it she then said,”You have spoiled my picture” and painted over the name!
Overall I found being a rota-mum quite enjoyable, I didn’t really understand why some parents wouldn’t volunteer for it, maybe they had work commitments that prevented them from being able to help.
A friend of mine was offered a job at her pre-school after being a successful rota-mum.
I have met some great people from being a rota-mum who I am still friends with now that my sons are in their mid 20’s and 30’s.
I would be interested to hear other parents thoughts and experiences of being a rota-mum.
As always questions/comments are welcome and please share on social media if you feel that your friends would like to read this post.
Until next time
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Being a rota mum was dangerous!! That’s where I started then got promoted to laundry lady then secretary and the chairperson talked me in to doing some training!!!did my level 3 and became an employed member of the team I have had 23 happy years working at the Pre-School the last 14 as Manager recently the PreSchool sadly closed but wonderful memories we have to cherish forever 😁
Thanks for sharing your experiences, Adam still remembers getting locked in the toilet at Pilton pre school, such a tragedy that you have been forced to close x
I quite enjoyed being on rota, with triplets it was as easy having them with me at playgroup with my older children than having them at home, though looking back I wonder how much help I was! #KCACOLS
I’ve never heard of the term before – I think I was expecting the post to be about car sharing or something! I’m vice-chair on the board of governors at my daughter’s school (she’s in the attached nursery), but that’s about the extent of my volunteer time there.
Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time. 🙂
This sounds like a fab chance to see for yourself how the place runs and gives peace of mind for when you leave them behind! I’d be happy to be a rota mum!
Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week!
I’ve never heard of a rota-mum before, but it sounds like a nice way for parents to get involved at preschool. I would imagine it’s hard for a lot of parents though who have to go out to work. x #KCACOLS
I have not been a Rota Dad at pre-school but have experienced the clingy/naughty behavioir when I have been a Rota Dad to help at Beavers with my middle daughter – I’m told they grow out of it!
Most children do grow out of it,Tom, thanks for sharing your experience x
I’ve never heard of it before either! We don’t have pre-school in Wales, so missed having to do everyones’ laundry! #KCACOLS
I aided at a preschool once as part of my schooling, and did find it enjoyable. I never had to take a child to the toilet, but did get to help with many preschool activities and learned a lot about little children’s big ideas.
We are invited in to preschool but it is not essential. We are expected to help out once a term at Cubs! Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging
My children’s nursery didn’t have a rota mum system, but their schools do, and it is definitely always the same faces helping all the time. I am self employed so can juggle my schedule to help out, but most of my working mum friends don’t have this option. I love helping out and my kids seem to like me helping out too (for now at least). #keepingitreal
We don’t have that here. We do help out at school with reading or in the kitchen or garden classes. It’s interesting watching some parents just help their kid and then leave, and then 2 of us would be left to help the reading with the whole class. I also taught ethics for awhile, not to my own kid, and that was interesting too. I think it’s good to see the kids your kid is hanging round with, and get to see them all in action – cos they’ll be kicking around for a long time, even if they aren’t friends. #KCACOLS
This sounds like a great way to get involved with your child’s preschool. I volunteer time to mine but understand that for a lot of people work commitments prevent them from doing the same. Thank you for linking up with #Blogstravaganza 🙂
I’ve never considered this but it seems like a great way to spend quality time with your kids during their school years! #KCACOLS
I’ve never heard a system like this called ‘rota mum’ before and, playing devil’s advocate, I’d hope there is a ‘rota dad etc’ too! While I loved it when our 8yo was in KS1 and had sessions at the end of the day to observe the class, I don’t think I’d want to do it on a regular basis. Because I like to give her space. #kcacols
It does seem a good way of getting parents involved with a child’s education but I now have visions of you on toilet duty! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
I don’t know if the schools here do anything similar although I know some of them do ask parents / carers to come in to help out with trips or reading. Rev T goes into our local primary once a week to help with reading, mentoring etc #PoCoLo