I recently came across an article saying that father’s should be allowed to sleep over on maternity wards.
I know from watching documentaries on television that some private hospitals, such as The Portman, permit this ( for a large cost, I would think) but should N.H.S. hospitals also let new dad’s stay overnight?

My feeling is that a stay in hospital after giving birth should be all about the mother and her baby, however, if it means that new father’s bond quicker with their offspring then that must be a positive reason to allow this.

When I was in hospital after having my children I did miss my husband when he went home after visiting time had finished, but it was an opportunity to have that special time when I only had my baby to worry about and care for, plus chatting to the other new mum’s about sensitive issues ( which men don’t want to or need to hear about) was comforting to us all.

When I had my second and third babies my husband needed to be at home overnight to look after the older children anyway, Sibling rivalry here
When I asked my husband if he would of liked to have stayed overnight when our son was born, he said he most defiantly would have stayed and thinks that all men should be given that opportunity.
I would like to thank the Facebook friends who provided photos for this post.

I would love to hear what both mothers and fathers think of this subject.
As always please leave any comments or questions.
Until next time.
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I would have loved to have my husband stay overnight with our first but as you said he needed to be home for the others when I had my 2nd and 3rd. Our hospital has private rooms for moms so I was all by myself after visiting hours and the baby was often gone for testing, pictures, and other stuff like that.
In Australia with private health you can get a couple room where you can stay together.
I believe that fathers can stay overnight in the US. I’m not sure though because I’m a solo parent. I would think though that it would make sense to allow the father to be there. #alittlebitofeverything
I see no harm in it. I also think men need to here about ‘sensitive women’s issues’ to get a better understanding on women. I think most young men these days are more knowledgeable about periods and vaginas (and menopause) than their fathers are, so I don’t think there’d be anything said in a hospital that they would be embarrassed about (or their partners would be embarrassed to be discussing with them). I think it’s a nice thing for the men, and I also think men are so much more hands on as dads these days, even since I had my kids, so it’s just part of that…#Stayclassymama
My DIL would have really liked our son to stay with her in the hospital last year, as the baby was kept in for a few days. Thanks for joining in with #pocolo and hope to see you back next week
My husband wasn’t allowed to stay with number one and I was really sick after the birth having lost an awful lot of blood. I really needed him and it was the worst night ever. He was then allowed to stay the second time and the 3rd time and it was amazing having him there especially when one of the twins was sick the 3rd time round. It also meant I didn’t have to call on the nurses so much having just had a section. He just helped. We had my parents there able to stay with the others though and were also very lucky to have had a private room even though all NHS. #DreamTeamLinky
Our local hospital now allows dads to stay over – my midwife is firmly against it & says they snore & walk around with tops off getting in the way!! #DreamTeamLinky
I would have loved the chance to have my husband staying, at least for the 1st night. After the aftermath of having to have a c section, it would have made such a huge difference. I remember that first night being hell – especially as I couldn’t get up. Thank you for joining us for the #DreamTeamLinky xx
I think it would be nice for bonding but would increase the strain on our hospitals so isn’t realistic except in exceptional circumstances. Thanks for linking up with #dreamteamlinky
I think that husbands staying overnight would be so good. Husbands weren’t allowed to be with wife’s in my day and mine played football if there was a match on. My first born ended up as a c-section and was a really long labour. All my births were difficult and i would have loved the support he would have given me. He was a brilliant dad and helped me a lot.
Gosh, I couldn’t imagine giving birth without my husband sitting beside me