This was the topic brought up on a daytime television programme just before Christmas.
I have never been a smoker, but must point out that I am NOT having a go at anyone who does. I am not against smoking; it is a personal choice: I am against smoking in front of children, though.
As well as the obvious risks to health from breathing in second hand smoke and the smell of tobacco on clothes- children are easily influenced and often want to be just like the adults they see, I have seen children pick up a crayon or pencil and pretend it is a cigarette; holding it between their fingers as they have seen adults do.

I have also seen adults puffing away on a cigarette in cars with the windows up and children sat in the back.

I believe that smoking in places where children gather such as play parks or outside the school gates should be banned as smokers often hold a cigarette with their arm held down meaning that it is at the level of a passing child which could lead to a burn.

When I was a child there were even sweets available which were candy cigarettes, thankfully these are no longer available.
I have never allowed smoking in my house, but have a memory of my grandfather visiting and smoking a pipe which stank through the house.
A friend told me that her son begged her to give up smoking because he was afraid of the risk to her health, she gave up only to discover that her son had taken it up! ( she thought it was because he thought it made him look ‘big’). He has given up now and vapes instead.
Why not start the new year with a resolution to give up smoking in front of children?
I would be interested to hear thoughts on this topic.
Happy new year to all my readers!
As always comments and questions are welcome.
Until next time.
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When I was young my Parents, older brothers, my nan and aunts and uncles all smoked in front of the kids in the family. I guess back then it wasn’t made a big deal of. Now we know more of the dangers of smoking and I won’t have anyone smoke in my house. My husband is the only smoker in our home and he’s banished to his man cave in the garden. So I’m with you on this, and thankfully my husband agrees.
This is an interesting topic. I smoked as a teenager and early 20’s but gave up when I got more serious about my career and before having children. It must be very hard to be a smoker now as since the indoors ban it has clearly become more anti-social to be a smoker (the opposite was the case when I smoked). Whilst I have nothing against smokers I do find it uncomfortable when people are smoking in front of their kids. Having said that parents I know who try to hide it from there kids don’t have much luck, kids are far more observant that we give them credit for sometimes. #KCACOLS
I do feel smoking is finally becoming less socially acceptable. My teens all smoke socially at parties and pubs but never on a day to day basis or in our house. As a non smoker myself I hate the smell and would certainly ban them in front of younger children. #KCACOLS
I makes me so cross when I see parents smoking over push chairs and prams, let alone around children. With all we know now about the health implications of smoking, I’d definitely support a ban for smoking around children! #KCACOLS
When I was 7 years old I used to pop to the corner shop to buy cigarettes for a family member and shockingly back then that was perfectly normal. It’s not surprising I am an ex smoker, It was becoming a mum why I stopped as I don’t believe smoking is ok around children for so many reasons x # TwinklyTuesday
I quit this past year and a big motivator was not wanting my daughter to ever pick up the habit. I never smoked in the house and tried not to do it in front of her but as she got older there really was no hiding it. I don’t know how I feel about legislating this though, seems like something people should be able to figure out on their own. IDK #KCACOLS
Definitely should I think X #twinklytuesday
As quite a few people have mentioned, attitudes to smoking have really changed over the years. Back in the 70s when I was small, a lot of adults smoked around me, and it never made me want to smoke in the slightest. However, I also feel a bit annoyed when I see parents smoking over their babies and children’s heads because of the health implications now that I am a mum. Such an interesting debate. #KCACOLS
Yes it should not be around children or for that matter anyone who doesn’t want to be exposed to second hand smoke.
I’m old enough to remember when smoking was allowed everywhere so I think the world is moving in the right direction with it being banned in so many places. I think though that it is hard to say on a house to house level. I believe that people should do their best not to smoke around children or anyone really for health reasons yet I believe that as with all addictions the addict has to work through how to live with their illness and make sure it doesn’t hurt anyone around them. #alittlebitofeverything
I don’t think people should smoke around children because of second-hand smoke and especially not around school gates because of the risk of accidentally burning a child with a cigarette too. I grew up with parents who smoked (they both gave up when I was in my teens) and I remember begging them several times to stop because of the health risks. It didn’t make me want to start smoking although I did occasionally smoke socially as a teenager, but I think that was more due to peer pressure than having seen my parents smoke. Nowadays smoking is much more socially unacceptable and hopefully this will also have an effect on reducing younger people taking it up. #WotW
from my experience on recent UK visits, smoking in cars with children is illegal, all the play parks I’ve taken my nephews and niece to and their school gates have had no smoking signs, but this is in Wales, maybe England is different. I’m a smoker and here in Dubai we have smoking areas stating no children under the age of 18, the smoking parents ignore it often
I think you are correct in thinking that it is different in Wales, England needs to follow
I think smoking should be completely banned. I have seen parents smoking on the school run, around their own children and others. My grandmother died of throat cancer caused by smoking even though she had stopped 20 years earlier. Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging
I think if you want to smoke, fine but it should absolutely be banned in front of children. I hate seeing parents walking to school with their children, smoking. Or driving in the car with them whilst they smoke, although now illegal many still flout it. Adults can choose for themselves, kids have no choice but be subject to second hand smoke. Thanks for linking up #twinklytuesday
I hate it. I hate that you can’t sit in a pub garden without being surrounded by smoke. I hate following people who are smoking and having to breathe it in. I just think it’s very antisocial now. Times have changed. Smoking isn’t socially acceptable. #KCACOLS
It’s definitely not as ‘cool’ anymore. And smoking in cars with children is illegal now too! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time
Oh yes I totally agree with you! It is unfair to inflict that one children. I remember being sat in the back of a car when the driver was smoking and it used to make me feel sick. Thanks for linking up #StayClassyMama
I hope I have passed on my revulsion of smoking to my kids. Chris used to smoke and I would never have dated him if he hadn’t already swapped to e cigs which he has now stopped too and is totally smoke free. Thanks for linking up with #stayclassymama
It does make a lot of sense, smoking in cars with kids doesn’t at all. One would hope common sense would prevail, but clearly not! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
I grew up with people smoking around me, my mother and gran and aunts and uncles, and can’t imagine that now I have my own kids. I did smoke myself but gave up before I got married as my husband hated it. I personally would ban smoking all together, but not everyone agrees with me on that. I don’t think smoking around children should happen. Thanks for joining #stayclassymama