Kim Kardashian has recently said that she is a soft parent; giving their children everything they want.

This got me thinking: Is it better to be a soft or strict parent?
In my experience, the majority of familuies usually have one of each.
Mainly, but not in every situation the mother tends to be the softer parent and the father a bit firmer.

I know that I have been guiltily at times, of saying the famous sentence that is:
“Wait until your father gets home!” ( not that my husband was overly strict, but the children always took more notice of him).
Children also have a skill of being able to play one parent against the other.

For example; if dad said no to something mum may just say yes.
I have also known this to cause arguments in the home.
Children do feel safer and secure if there are boundaries put into place for them, I feel.
Behaviour management here
So which form of parenting is best? I’ll let you decide, as obviously we are all individuals, as are our children and what works best for some, may not work at all for others.
As always questions, comments and topic suggestions are welcome.
Until next time.
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When I had my daughter I’ve always promised myself that I would never used the term “wait until your father gets home” as I thought that would affect the bond between father and child. I also wanted my daughter to respect me as much as her father. I’d like to think my husband and I have a really good balance, neither is soft or strict. We have a happy medium. But nonetheless parenting is hard, whichever parenting style you prefer. Thank you so much for linking up with us for #KCACOLS and we hope you join us next time. 😊
Thanks for having me as a part of the linky, will definitely be back next time
Great post!
Mine are 18 now and in college. My husband was raised in a loosey-goosey home which him yearn for authority. I was raised in a ridiculously strict home and yearned to be relaxed.
Thankfully we complimented each other (for the most part).
I let my teen get blue highlights, he freaked out. 🙂
That’s interesting, thanks for sharing, Wendy
Invariably children cause arguments however careful you are. Consistency and agreement between parents on the important issues are vital but it’s easy to find fault with a partner’s opinion on day to day matters. I now see my children struggle with parenting in the same way but just reassure them that all we can do is our best!
DYou have summed it up, brilliantly, thanks, Pamela
It certainly is, Lydia, thanks for stopping 3
Like everything it is all about the balance x #kcacols
Absolutely, Sam, thanks for stopping by
I was sure I responded? It’s a very fine line. #MischiefandMemories
Sorry for the confusion, Lydia
It’s easy to give your child everything with endless money and nannies 24/7, maybe one shouldn’t use people like that as role models. One can be strict, but also kind and sometimes being too soft means a child gets away with unacceptable behaviour.
Thanks for linking with #pocolo
Absolutely, thanks for your comment
Interesting post and it got me thinking. We are a mixture of both, neither too strict or too soft. My husband and I have the same authority and support each other’s decisions so if I see him being strict I back him up and viceversa, so our girls always know we are in the same page. I hope it makes sense. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us at #KCACOLS
It makes perfect sense, Franca, parents need to be on the same page