A common problem that parents can come across is getting children to sleep in their own bedrooms.

When I had my children they slept in their own bedrooms from the beginning.
This may sound harsh to others, but it worked for me; I had every intention to breast feed all of my babies: But for one reason or another this plan never developed and as I had no option than to bottle fed, it was just as easy to feed my babies in their own room during the night. ( Plus it gave my husband no excuse for taking turns in getting up to do a night feed).
For parents who have had their offspring sleep in their bedroom; the time will most likely come at some point when they want to get the child to sleep in his own room.

However, the child may not be keen on this idea: He has been happily sleeping in mum and dads room so why does this have to change?
My biggest tip for success at bedtime wherever the children sleep is to have a good bedtime routine more here
How to persuade a child to sleep in their own room depends on their age, it is difficult to explain to a very young child, but a toddler may be encouraged by letting him have a say in how the room is decorated and telling him that now he is a big boy., he deserves to have his very own room.
I have a friend who when she and her husband separated, let her daughter sleep in her bed; this gave them both comfort in the beginning, but as time went by and the child was approaching school age my friend decided that it was time for her daughter to go back to her own bed in her own room.

She explained that the room would have wallpaper that the girl could pick as well as her choice of bedding and curtains.
So they went shopping together for these items and the child was very excited about the prospect of having her own bedroom.
She even let her daughter have a friend over to help strip the old wallpaper off the walls. The children enjoyed doing this. but they then wandered downstairs leaving my friend to carry on with the task.
My friend suddenly thought that the girls were being quiet and went downstairs to see what they were doing.
It was just as well that she did as they were about to start stripping the wallpaper from the living room walls thinking that this was helping the adult!
Other tips are to tell your child that you are only a short distance away in the room next door and give them a dim night light if they are afraid of sleeping in a rooom on their own.
let your child spend time during the day playing in their own room so that my bedtime the rooom is familiar to them.

Have you had a successful transition in moving children from your room to their own bedrooms? Please share tips and experiences.
As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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I had the children in with me until they were around 18 months. It was a big deal when they moved into their own room and I think they liked feeling grown up. Thanks for linking up with #DreamTeam
Thanks for having me as a part of the linky, Laura and for all your comments
Great tips Karen. The sleeping in their own bedroom transition can be sooo hard! I can definitely see why some parents have their little ones in their own rooms as early as possible. Thank you for joining us for the #DreamTeam x
Thanks for your kind words, Candy