Recent reports have said that 1 in 3 children are obese before they leave primary school.
To help prevent this it is important to make sure that children get enough exercise and eat a healthy diet.

Set a good example by exercising with your children; anything that raises the heart beat and makes you a little out of breath is a good start. Try jogging through the park with your children riding their bikes alongside, cycle or walk to school and the shops rather than taking the car.

Go to the woods and build a den together, climb trees or set a challenge to run and touch so many different trees in a set amount of time. Forest schools here.

Encourage children to make healthy food choices by letting them help with preparing meals; washing and peeling vegetables or measuring frozen peas or pasta in cups , when they see and touch different foods it will help them to understand and become more relaxed about trying new foods.

Let your children be involved with shopping for food; let them choose fruit and vegetables in the supermarket and use the scales to weigh them, making it fun
Shopping tips here.
Swap sugary cereals for porridge and muesli at breakfast time. Try to keep fizzy drinks to a minimum, a glass of milk or water is tooth friendly and low in calories.
Remember that sauces such as tomato ketchup contain high levels of salt and sugar so keep their use to a minimum also.
By making small changes and getting children to exercise more, spending less time in front of a screen
, Addicted to tablets here
, Will help to keep them healthy reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes in later life
As always questions, comments and topic suggestions are welcome.
Until next time.
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It’s so good for kids to be outdoors and using their imaginations.
Good tips – it’s hard once they make their own way home and can swing by the shops for soft drink!! Ugh! #Globalblogging
And #Stayclassymama
Great tips for well rounded kids.
Love these tips Karen – we very much try to live our lives this way. We are always out and about being active and I am trying to get my daughter excited about food and cooking at a young age. #TwinklyTuesday
We love spending time outdoors as a family too, the kids get so much enjoyment out of it. Super cute photos x x #ThatFridayLinky
Some great tips. We definitely find the kids are more adventurous with their eating when they’ve helped to make it! #ThatFridayLinky
I couldn’t agree more. I have found this an incredibly long winter and at this stage it feels like we have been indoors for far too long. I can’t wait to get outside with my daughters again. Every day it is howling rain and wind here – so bad you can’t poke your nose out the door and I do worry that my daughters aren’t getting enough sunlight or exercise. And they definitely watch too much television at times even though I try to curb it. Bring on the spring and summer I say. You absolutely cannot underestimate the importance of fresh air and exercise – and that goes for all of us! Thank you so much for sharing on #globalblogging x
These are great tips. We love getting outdoors as much as possible and although I don’t often get the kids involved with preparing meals, it does help encourage them to eat it if they’ve been involved in making it. #KidsandKreativity
Some great tips here, and particularly important at the moment where we have to be a little inventive to keep the kids active. Thanks for linking up to #KidsandKreativity, hope to see you back next time.