Being a new mum is very exciting, but it can also be tiring and overwhelming for some women

My biggest tip is to take any help that is offered.
Keep visitors to a minimum when you first have your new baby; friends and family will want to visit and see both of you, but keep the time they spend at your home short: I can remember some of my husband’s family wanting to visit shortly after I had my second son, as I had been lucky in having a straight forward natural delivery, I felt quite well and agreed to them coming; however after they had left I began to feel really tired and drained- realising that I wasn’t as strong physically as I had thought. I soon got over this, but didn’t accept more visitors in a hurry.

Try to get into a routine as soon as possible: I used to make up my baby’s bottles and prepare the sterilising system first thing in the morning after giving my son his first feed..
Take the time to sit down and enjoy a hot drink or have a nap while your baby is asleep.
If the weather is fine take baby for a walk, the fresh air and change of scenery will do you both good.
When your partner, if you have one, is home have a soak in a warm bubble bath while they look after the baby.
I was advised to lay the table for the evening meal early in the day so that it was ready when my husband came home from work: I did this but it annoyed me every time I went into the kitchen to put the kettle on so I didn’t do this the following day.
Focus on yourself and your family and don’t stress about doing housework. Visitors will be looking at your beautiful offspring , not the dust on your window sill!

Remember any stage is not germinate and things will improve as you get used to your new role as a mother.
If you are feeling low and unable to cope it is essential to speak to your midwife, health visitor or G.P. They will be able to offer the help that you need to enjoy your baby while he is tiny; they grow up so quickly and will be flown in the blink of an eye.
As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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Some really helpful advice here Karen. I agree with you it can be very tiring especially at first when your new baby wakes up every four hours to be fed and changed . It’s a really lovely time and the special moments far outweigh the tiredness.
Thanks Pearl, for your kind words and for stopping by
Awww, great tips. And that one about being willing to accept help is so important. Having a newborn takes a lot of energy. I still remember the weeks with little sleep. Being willing to accept help for others is an excellent tip for us dads too.
Thanks for sharing your. thoughts and experiences, Jed and Jen
Great tips I can relate to having too many visitors, the last thing new mums need is to drain all their precious energy on guests xx #DreamTeam
Thanks for agreeing with me, dana
Good morning just read it’s some great advice love your tips saw at fortheloveto link up I’m sharing this with some of friends
Thank you, Katie
Thanks for these tips!
Curated By Jennifer
You are welcome, Jennifer
Those first few months fly by so quickly that its definitely more important to enjoy them than worry about housework! #ParentPower
Absolutely, Sarah-Marie, thanks for stopping by
OMG! The setting the table thing is nuts – so 1950’s housewife!! That’s so crazy!! My tip, is not to stress too much about anything. They’re babies, they’re all different (and all stages pass much quicker than you’ll realise) and see a dr if anything worries you in the slightest. #ParentPower.
Thanks ,Lydia for taking the time to read and leave your comments
Great tips.
If I could have a re-do, I would have focused more on the gift of each new baby and let anything else just go by the wayside.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences, Michele
Oh I completely agree with the taking up offered help tip. Even if it is so you can have a quick cat nap for half an hour without worrying about the new arrival – every little bit helps! Thank you for joining us for the #DreamTeamLinky
Pleased to hear that you agree with my thinking, Annette
I certainly agree with getting help whenever offered. I always looked forward to visitors as I wanted to show off my new arrival! Thanks for linking up with #dreamteamlinky
Visitors are great as long as they don’t stay too long and tire the new mum was my thought, Laura, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences
Great advice there Karen. Taking help is so important. I think we can all feel tempted just to say I am fine for fear of seeming less than, but taking help when you have a newborn is good for you all! #DreamTeamLinky
Thanks for your kind words
I was guilty of losing myself after my eldest was born: so busy trying to be a mum that I forgot to be me! Thanks for linking up with #parentpower
It’s easy to do that, thanks for stopping by, Laura