Sarah, has suggested this post
As the schools have been closed to most children for a much longer time than usual. Some children and parents may be feeling anxious about going back in September.

My grandchildren are desperate to get back to school, as the lock down is getting boring for them now, however, many children won’t be so keen to be going back to full time education.

For them, I would suggest pointing out the positives; they will be able to see their friends again, if they haven’t been video calling friends, let them do this now so they can catch up and discuss their feelings about school with their peers.

Most schools are holding settling-in sessions as a way of introducing children back to the classroom, take advantage of this.

Talk calmly to children and answer any questions thst they have.
Get children used to wearing a mask by wearing one while they are doing something they enjoy; playing video games or watching T.V. slowly build up the time wearing a mask is the best way.
Contact schools to find out what will be different so you can talk to children about this.
Start getting children back to their school bedtime routine a few weeks before they go back, as they have most likely been staying up later and sleeping in during the mornings while in lock down.
Getting back to new normal here
Any young children who are starting school for the first time should be able to do this first here
As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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I think most children will be pleased to see thier school friends and teachers again but it won’t be easy for them. They are bound to be anxious as school life will be so different to when they left. As you’ve said its a good idea to get back to a routine getting to bed earlier . Another good blog Karen .
Thanks Pearl
Helpful advice to prepare and reduce worries x #anythinggoes
My teacher husband is eager to get his students back into a routine of learning.
I bet he is, Michelle, thanks for sharing
My kids are also excited to go back. Some really good tips here x #GlobalBlogging
That’s great, Rosie, thanks for sharing
We’re lucky that my daughter isn’t starting nursery until January and she hasn’t been before so will not know any different but it must be so strange for those that have attended school before and it be so different.
Katrina x
Absolutely, Katrina, thanks for sharing
Some great advice here. I should ring the school as they haven’t let us know anything that will be in place as of yet. Plus along with my 2 step daughters my 4 year old daughter is starting school this term.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, as always, Eddie
As a teacher I can’t wait to see my students again! #kcacols
I can imagine, I still miss the children that used to look as a child minder, 13 years after ill health forced to give up, thanks for sharing
As a parent i am anxious about the transition back into school. We haven’t had much advice and guidance from school.
I understand your fears, Clair. I am glad that my children are all grown now, so I don’t have the worry of sending them back to school. Thanks foe sharing your thoughts
My older 2 can’t wait to go back and to be honest neither can I!! #KCACOLS
Hoping going back to school works for everyone thanks for reading
My daughter has settled in well back at school. Knowing she was going to see her friends again was the best thing for her with going back! #KidsandKreativity
That’s great to hear, thanks for sharing, Louise
Fortunately my two have loved going back to school, and have settled back into the routine well tahnk godness. Fingers crossed things don’t change for them. Thanks again for sharing at #KidsandKreativity
That’s great to hear, Kerry, thanks for having me on #kidsandkreativity