Treasure baskets

November 3, 2019 Karen 19 comments

In a world that seems to be dominated by plastic products, in contrast, treasure baskets are a collection of household items made from natural materials which are given to babies and young children to explore.

A baby starts to explore using her hands and fingers well before birth, while still in the womb.

Treasure basket items are kept in a pretty cardboard box or wicker basket and placed on the floor beside a child who is old enough to sit independently.

I kept a low cupboard in my kitchen as a ‘treasure cupboard’ it contained safe items that my son would explore while also watching me when I was working in the kitchen. I put in things like wooden spoons and spatulas a small saucepan and lid, a bunch of keys ( every parent will know how much babies love keys), a pastry brush and a wooden lemon juice squeezer.

A treasure basket can be filled with anything that you think your child will find interesting ( no shop bought toys though) look around the home for anything suitable;for example baking tins,wooden bowls, a string of beads from your jewellery box, pine cones, conkers, feathers, seashells glass marbles(that are too big to swallow) the list is endless


The benefits of treasure baskets are they will help to develop fine  and gross motor skills and help children to master the pincer grasp, plus if you talk to your baby while you explore together it will build communication and language development and listening skills.

Treasure baskets can be purchased commercially. or why not make your own then to keep it fresh and interesting swap items every few weeks


As always questions and comments are welcome.

Until next time.




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19 Comments on “Treasure baskets

  1. This blog certainly brings back memories of my girls when they were young.. I used to put them on the potty with saucepan and wooden spoon , this gave good results every time. Tupperware bowls again with a wooden spoon was another favourite. Cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes as well as small boxes for example could be made into dolls house furniture . Another good blog

  2. It’s the simple old fashioned things for children that are often the best, it’s such a shame that so many people seem to have forgotten this along the way. Well done for sharing #KCACOLS

  3. What a great idea. My little girl still has a treasure box where she keeps all manner of favourite things.Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time

  4. My two both loved keys, and I used to leave a cupboard full of old saucepans and wooden spoons that they both loved- perhaps they will be drummers in the future! Thanks for linking up to #KidsandKreativity, hope to see you back next time.

  5. Now that we are in lockdown, I am definitely getting imaginative with things to entertain my daughter. I have been using all sorts of left over packaging and old things to make treasure like baskets. Hope you and your family are well #AnythingGoes

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