The package arrived in a bright purple wrapping; which immediately got the attention of the local children who were playing outside when the delivery driver walked down my driveway!
Inside the package I was delighted to find 2 children’s books, 2 purple draw string pouches and some monivation cards


This book introduces Walter the Wizard who helps a friend who is struggling with having seizers.
The book is unique because it tells of the benefits of cannabis and CBD- helping to improve the quality of children’s lives.

In this book Walter helps his friend the worry dragon to cope with his anxiety.
This is where the purple drawstring pouches fit into the story.

Walter the Wizard’s magic glasses contains some ‘magic’ glasses( which Harley, who helped with this review said that they made his eyes feel funny , but he liked them!).

Walter the Wizard’s worry-kit:
This bag contains a really cute knitted worry doll wizard ( to remind children of the wizard),

A heart shaped felt lavender bag and a magic stone( which Harley said looked like real diamonds!).

Both of the books are written and illustrated by Allison Littlefair.
There are vibrant illustrations throughout both books.

Disclosure: I was sent the pack for the purpose of the review, but all opinions are my own.

I can’t speak highly enough about Waler the Wizard so am recommending him to parents and carers everywhere. Especially those who have children with special needs: As well as helping those to deal with any problems it also brings awareness to other children helping them to understand such things.
Walter the Wizard and the worry dragon book which comes with the worry pack retails at £24.99
Walter the Wizard and the magic seed is available seperatly .
The books are recommended for children aged 7 /8 years to read alone and for all ages to enjoy being shared with an adult.
Buy them here
I would like to thank Harley Evans, aged 8 for his valuable help with this review, he said that the books looked great too!

As always questions and comments are welcome.
Uuntil next time.
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Oh I wish this had been available when my so was growing up he struggled with anxiety and I know this would have really helped him and our family who were all affected by his problem
I’m sure it would have been a great help, thanks for sharing your thoughts, Karen
What a magical book, I love the things that come with it, especially the glasses.
I agree it is magical, thanks for sharing your thoughts
I think I could do with reading a few books like this to help me get off to sleep. Thanks for sharing with #pocolo
Me too, thanks for your feedback
Love the sound of this
Thanks Kim