What to put in a child minding port folio

January 21, 2023 Karen 12 comments

Having a good port folio to show parents at the first interview more here is key to looking professional


My port folio was quite large, as I had undertaken lots of training providing me with many certificates ( obviously my registered child minding certificate was framed and displayed on my playroom wall).

Other than my numerous proofs of qualifications, other things in my port folio were all my poloies ( again there were several of these).

I also included newspaper cuttings; my local newspaper often had reports on various things that registered child minders had done: Whether it was training or local events to raise awareness more here


Copies of my Ofsted reports filled a large section of the port folio as these are quite lengthy


At one time during my time as a child minder there was a government debate about whether child minders and other early years proffessionals should be allowed to smack the children in their care.

As I felt strongly that we shouldn’t be able to do this I wrote to my M.P. expressing my views on the topic and received a reply on house of commons headed paper so I added this to my things to show parents.

Although I didn’t supply food more here eas I asked parents to send in a packed lunch . The network ( which I was a member of) suggested that we included a sample menu to show that we understood healthy eating for children.

Finally at the back of my folder I put in the many thank you cards and letters that parents had given me- when their children left to go on to school.

Other thing that could be included are samples of the ‘work’ that children have undertaken while with you ( I liked to display drawings and paintings on my playroom wall, along with photos of outings that we had been on more on that here

As always questions and comments are wqelcome.

Until next time.



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12 Comments on “What to put in a child minding port folio

  1. I think it’s a good thing that you’ve made a portifolio like this. I’m glad you shared tips on what childminers should include in their own.

    I think every person should create a portifolio like this for whatever career they have had in their life.

    #DreamTeam #bloggersconnecting

  2. Great portfolio Karen! This would be great for parents to flick through whilst viewing a setting and deciding if it would be right for their child. It also shows how organised you are too, with is a huge plus! Thank you for joining us for the #DreamTeam x

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