When children embarrass us

November 6, 2020 Karen 18 comments

As we enter yet another national lockdown, thanks to the corona virus; today’s post is intended to cheer everyone up.

A daytime television programme mentioned a child in Scotland who took what she thought was hand sanitiser to school: It was in fact a bedroom lubricant that her teacher handed back to the embarrassed mother at the end of the school day.

Another parent said that she was playing eye-spy with her daughter as a way to entertain her during a day out.

The mother said “Something beginning with F ( it was a flip-flop) the child looked around and said “I know, fat man” whilst pointing at the said person.

A girl who often mixed her words and letters up shouted cock porn ( pop corn) while waiting in a cinema queue.

My youngest son embarrassed me when we were at a local attraction; we were watching a demonstration of sheep wool spinning. The man giving the talk chose my son to go up to help him; just before that I had told him to sit still . During the demonstration he said in a loud voice “My mum doesn’t know how to look after me properly”

Everyone looked in my direction making me go red in the face.

Has your child ever embarrassed you? Please share any tales to put a smile on our faces during these challenging times.

As always questions, comments and topic suggestions are welcome.

Until next time.



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18 Comments on “When children embarrass us

  1. Love your son’s comment.One that I recall is in kindy, the kids had to draw a picture and write why they loved their mum for Mother’s Day, and these were displayed in the class room at parent teacher. Everyone loved their mum because she was a great mum, pretty or read to them. My kid wrote “I love my mum because she takes me to Red Rooster” (an Aussie version of KFC). Still cracks me up…#ParentPower

  2. Haha, many times, I have 5 kids so I’ve had lots of embarrassing moments. From telling someone that I affectionately call him “little jerk” (which I did not) to laughing at his grandmother while she was walking up to the door saying she was running in slow motion, I have 20 more tales just like these. 3 out 5 have the kind of mouths that you never know what is going to come out!

  3. Kids do seem to have an amazing ability for embarrassing us just at the right moment. Thanks for cheering me up and thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time

  4. We’ve had comments about people’s weight or appearance, a few tantrums at inopportune moments and other times that have made me cringe. Good to look back on and laugh! Thanks for linking up with #parentpower

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