When I was working as a registered child minder I always felt that I was in competition with nurseries and pre-schools as well as other child minders. To make my setting look more professional to parents I made a prospectus that I offered to post to when they rang to make enquiries into my business.
In the prospectus I started with a general introduction on the first page explaining about my family – ages of my children including the pets we had (I also kept a pet policy), next I listed my qualifications, added my policies and a copy of my last inspection report.
I would briefly list some of the activities that I provided for the children and how they fitted into the main early learning goals.
I made my prospectus on the computer and added a few colourful images to make it look appealing
I printed it all on A4 paper and slipped the pages into the transparent pockets that are readily available making a booklet for a few pounds. Finally I would add a thank you for reading note and suggest that parents make an appointment to visit my setting during my working day if possible so they could see at first hand how I operate and how happy the children are in my care.
Ensure that you show your prospectus to your ofsted inspector when she visits.
Read more of my child minding experiences in my e book available to download from Amazon.
As always comments/questions are welcome and please share on social media if you think others would benefit from reading this.
Until next time.
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Very good blog with good advice, I am sure this will be of help to other childminders starting a new career .well done Karen
What a good idea. I would have loved to have read a prospectus before deciding on a childcare setting for my daughter. I am sure the potential parents very much appreciate your efforts. X #thesatsesh
Very interesting. Will be very helpful for childminders and parents too. #dreamteam
Definitely great advice, I did something similar when I ran a home daycare. It’s important to look professional because it’s what gives parents comfort. #GlobalBlogging
Interesting read. Thank you for linking up to #pointshoot 📷
I’ve been looking to create something just for at home, just to make sure we’re touching all the basis and as a prompt for activities, particularly on a rainy day. Have you produced anything that parents could use as a downloadable, or is it in you book? Ooh I’m off to research now. #BloggerClubUK
There are loads nof activities in my book and on other blog posts
Really interesting read, thanks for sharing X #pointshoot
#thesatsesh I think it doesn’t matter what profession or career path your in, being seen to be professional is key – especially if you want me to leave my child with you. A great idea that i hope others can pinch from 🙂
Hope those exercises didn’t take all the fun out of working with kids. cheers
Definitely not, we all had a great time x
This sounds intriguing, I’ve never heard of prospectus before.
Thank you for stopping by Tots and Me…Growing Up Together.
I was curious, did you mean to share this on my Littles Learning Link Up post? Because it was on my Wordless Wednesday, which was a bit confusing. Feel free to stop by and change your links. It is on my Littles Learning Link Up where I feature random posts and those that are the most clicked on.
Thanks Karen, it was meant for the wordless Wednesday link up, will also add to my littlies learning if that’s permitted?
Back again from #pointshoot and still very impressed! xo
This is a wonderful idea, thank you for the resource! I know that it will be helpful to others.
The more info a parent can get, the better! Love this idea #globalblogging
I am coming back through with the #DreamTeam
Great advice and really interesting for carers! Thanks for sharing with #fortheloveofBLOG
This is a brilliant idea and really helpful for those looking to develop their businesses 🙂 Thank you for linking up to the #itsok linky
As always, great advice here. Thanks so much for sharing with #TriumphantTales!