Teaching letter recognition

Again this was something that I saw a parent asking about on social media. I would start by sharing books with children; as many as possible. My favourite children’s books here. Next have a game with children were you hold up an everyday object and ask what letter it begins with, for example, hold up…

Redan fun to learn children’s magazine review

I came across this company on Facebook and they agreed to send some magazines for a review: I received 3 magazines; as follows: Favourites (:issue 414) This is jam packed with fun learning opportunities; dinosaur stickers and story. a simple recipe ( for children to create with an adult’s help. a word search and colouring…

Sprouts story stones review

I came across this company on social media:- All of the stones are hand painted by this growing company. I was sent 2 sets of stones for the review: Both sets arrived in a cute drawstring jute bag. Emotions: These are a set of 6 stones, which would be great for early years practitioners and…