How do I stop my children from being couch potatoes all summer?

June 18, 2021 Karen 26 comments

This was a question posted on social media yesterday.

My husband’s response to the question was ” It’s easy, turn off the electricity!”

As I was reading the question I glanced out of my window where I saw a group of children playing together on their bikes, scooters and skateboards.

We are fortunate in living in a quiet cul-du-sac so it if safe for the children to play outside .

I can see parents sitting on doorsteps keeping a watch on the children as they play.

There is a wide age Range- from quite young children and even a dad has joined in by getting on a skateboard( much to the amusement of thje older boys).


When my boys were young we lived in a different cul-du-sac where they too would ride bikes with the neighbouring children. I used to watch from the kitchen window as I was washing the tea dishes.

If you don’t live in an area where it is safe for your children to play outside, wht not go on a bike ride with them?Most communities will have somewhere to cycke safely; be it a cycle track or a park.

Young children will enjoy playing in the garden if you have one.

Toys that are suitable for outside here

Otherweise take the whole family for a walk

Woodland wonders here

Set a good example for your children: I f you spend most days sat on a chair then you can’t expect them to do differntly.

Tips for keerping children fit and heathy here

Oviosly the weather may have an inpact on children being able to play outside.

Here’s to a great summer for everyone!

As always questions and comments are welcome.

Until next time.



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26 Comments on “How do I stop my children from being couch potatoes all summer?

  1. Fantastic tips l, nice children being allowed to play out and just have fun x #mischiefandmemories

  2. As my kids become teens this is something I’ve really started to struggle with. They’ve outgrown all the bikes/scooters/ etc. that we own and while we do try to hike most days we rarely go out for more than an hour or two. I’ve challenged my kids to come up with their own lists of things to do when I say “turn off screens” but we’ll see how that goes.

  3. I love that… turn off the electricity! It can be quite the challenge can’t it. I definitely think there’s something in leading by example. Also, planning adventures that everyone wants to join in with. Thank you for joining us for #mischiefandmemories

  4. Those are good tips. I think setting a good example is the best way to encourage children outdoors, It does help to have a safe place to play outdoors and I’m aware that not everyone is lucky enough to have that. #MischiefandMemories

  5. We live near a river so have daily walks during school holidays with my parents. My kids all love playing outside as well as on computer/tablets so it is quite balanced. Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories

  6. Great tips and fortunately we do have a backyard and the grandkids love to be outside and play!
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      1. Awesome, thanks Karen – I am on the road today, my usual day to check links, but will do so soon once home.

  7. I love the fact that I now live in a neighborhood where my daughter and her friends can skate around a bit without me being too worried. I think the real answer to the title of this post of course is for us to get off the couch and get outside with them

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    1. Hi, Esme, my Instagram is karendennis2337 and Facebook @nextbestthingtomummy ( I have left my twitter and Facebook on my comments on your linky posts

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