Managing siblings who fight

May 22, 2020 Karen 23 comments

Siblings arguing or fighting is nothing new, it is part of a healthy, normal relationship, in my experience.

However, now that we are in lock down and having to spend more time together than usual this has become a problem for some parents.

My 2 sisters and I would sometimes fall out; I can remember sitting having breakfast using the cereal boxes as a barricade so that I couldn’t see ( or them see me) my sisters!

My grandchildren often fight and recently when they were bored and I suggested that they draw rainbow pictures for my window they started to argue over who the crayons belonged to.

I have a blended family of my 2 boys from my first marriage a step son from my husband’s first marriage and a son between us, the boys got along well considering the circumstances, the only 2 who would argue were my step son- the eldest and our youngest. The little one would wind his brother up by telling him that he was going to go into his bedroom while he was at school ( I don’t think he ever did, but he knew how to ‘push his brothers buttons’).

When I was a child minder I looked after a boy who was well behaved, one day I had his sister too as the school was closed to pupils, the children’s mother warned me to expect different behaviour from the boy; she was right as he had a sly dig at his sister at every opportunity.

My advice is to stay calm when dealing with fighting siblings and treat each child fairly, resist saying things like “You are old enough to know better” or ” you should be setting an example” as this will cause more tension, I feel.

Get the children working together on an art and craft project, if possible, or take them out for a walk or cycle ride, it’s difficult to fight if they are busy peddling!

Make a set of family rules with the children so they can’t complain that they aren’t fair when asked to follow them.

I have written on sibling rivlarly when a new baby arrives here

As always questions and comments are welcome.

Until next time.



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23 Comments on “Managing siblings who fight

  1. I recall being tempted to despair over the sibling wars. The good news is that they do grow up, and our 4 love and enjoy each other still –with a good measure of banter thrown in.

  2. My two are exhausting. I think its the age gap. They don’t argue but def need some space from one another. My 9 year old is desperate for a playmate his age so wrestles the two year old. She loves him but also wants to not be picked up every second but also to eat his best Pokémon cards. They scream mummmmmmy a LOT. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time. x

  3. I really like the idea of setting up activities that require them to stretch their cooperative buttons! Sibling squabbles are very real in the heat of the moment 🙂 Thank you for joining us for the #DreamTeamLinky

  4. I think it’s every parent problem who has more than one kids. But to be honest it’s one of the thing I remember from my childhood those fights with my brother and sister. We laugh a lot when we talk about it 🙂 You’re doing great 🙂 #KCACOLS

  5. My kids love using the cereal boxes as barricades. Mine do fight lots, but they have also got much closer since lockdown. They are proper little best buddies now. #DreamTeamLinky

  6. Different dynamic in my house with my youngest son being autistic. I think my eldest Son Matthew does really well considering his brother is erratic and unpredictable. He does get frustrated with him at times and whilst I don’t want to excuse my youngest’s behaviour I do explain to Matthew that Edward doesn’t understand but that Matthew is doing a great job and is brilliant when he helps him. #StayClassyMama

  7. My sister and I got on wonderfully until we reached our teens and then we bickered constantly. My kids argue quite a bit. I wonder what the dynamic would have been like if they’d all been boys or girls… Thanks for linking up with #dreamteamlinky

  8. I absolutely couldn’t agree more about keeping them busy. It seems to be the only good way to stop them from fighting and even then they will find something to bicker about if they are in the wrong mood. There is no doubt about it you definitely need to have a plan. Great suggestions! #globalblogging

  9. My children are very competitive which leads to lots of arguing… Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging

  10. I sometimes feel like a UN peacekeeper with mine and it’s harder now they are older. When they were toddlers it was easier to distract and manage the fighting. We have hormones and puberty and teenage moods involved now. Always fun!
    Thanks for linking up to #stayclassymama

  11. Oh man! My two eldest have been constantly at each other’s throats during lockdown. We’ve been offering ice creams if they manage to get through the whole day without bickering. Think I’m gonna need a bigger freezer for all this ice cream that isn’t getting eaten! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time.

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