Regular readers will know that I am an advocate for rewarding good behaviour and ignoring the unwanted in children.

Positive parenting goes one step further; instead of telling children “no, don’t do that” have a more positive approach to behaviour management by saying things like “never mind” if you child accidentally drops something on the floor, for example.

Children love to get and are always looking for attention from adults, sometimes they will misbehave to get the attention ( even if it is negative attention) by being more positive , hopefully children will pick up a positive vibe, which will reflect on their behaviour.

Using reward charts here is another way of managing behaviour in a positive manner.
Try to find the time to spend half an hour, or so spending time with your children every day, they will thank you for it.

More behaviour management tips here.
As always questions, comments and topic suggestions are welcome.
Until next time.
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Being positive is a great way to also show our kids and for them to learn, such like a negative reaction to one of their school mates could lead them to get a negative reaction In return, they would pick up this from the parents.
It is amazing what our children pick up from us parents and adults, if we can be more positive in our manner and reactions to our children they will pick up and have similar positives.
Great post
As always, thanks for your kind words and for sharing your thoughts, Eddie
Good morning great information We have a four year old I love your behavior management tips found your Blog at fortheloveto link party thanks for sharing this
Oh, thank you, Michele
Great post and I like the links you provided. Do you have any resources (your own posts or books you recommend) for positive parenting between 1-2 year olds? I am trying to find ways to deal with my 12 month old dropping food from his high-chair (sometimes it seems like its his way of saying “I am done” and other times it seems he is testing out the cause and effect/playing) as well as grabbing at the entertainment system boxes (x-box, apple box, etc) that we cannot put out of reach.
Linking from For the Love To. Here’s my recent post on books I have been reading to my child, if interested:
Thanks Michele, I would try to ignore it when your child drops food , if he doesn’t get a reaction from you , he may stop doing it, thanks for stopping by with your question, I hope I have helped
Thanks for explaining some things about parenting order Alberta. I’m glad you explained you should learn if they participate in the parenting order Alberta, I’m kind of interested to learn more as to what this participation would entail.
Thanks for your input, Karen