Keeping children focused on learning thro the summer break

June 30, 2023 Karen 11 comments

The long summer break from school is fast approaching, why not use the time for your children to continue learning ( so it’s not such a shock when school starts again?)

Reading books is a great way to continue learning throughout the holiday; reading can improve your child’s vocabulary, critical thinking and comprehension skills.

Helping children to turn to books for entertainment is something that may stay with them for life and provide hours of enjoyment and learning.

Younger children can be encouraged to write a short story or document ( with drawings) a day out, or get them crafting arts and crafts here.

Use the internet in a positive way to help children to study; there are loads of apps and online resources for this purpose.

Create a project for your children, such as putting together a scrap book. This will give a sense of achievement and make memories that you can look back on together.

creating a little time for study each day, or week can help to really keep children focussed,

Of course all work and no play isn’t good for any of us: Make time for days out too, Surviving the long summer break here

As always questions and comments are welcome.

Until next time.



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11 Comments on “Keeping children focused on learning thro the summer break

  1. Great ideas, thank you for sharing. My son’s school actually enrolled all their students in a summer reading program where they get free books tailored to their reading levels. I thought this was a wonderful idea for the kid’s summer break.

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