When thinking of a gift to buy for a newborn baby people often decide on a teddy bear or other cuddly toy/stuffed animal.

Although these may look cute do they actually serve a purpose and benefit the child?

The simple answer is yes: As well as being a comfort to a child, a cuddly toy can help with social skills and vocabularly.
All of my son’s had several cuddly toys. My eldest son had favourites being a Golly that he named Pete? And when my second son was born a neighbour gave a present for the new baby and gave my toddler a teddy bear; which quickly became ‘his baby’
This worked well to begin with as whatever I was doing with his baby brother he did the same with teddy: Feeding him, changing a nappy etc.
My baby was particularly fond of being put in a baby bouncer that was hung in a doorway, but he wasn’t allowed to enjoy it for long as Leigh’s ‘baby’ wanted a turn in it! And whenever we wanted to use the changing map you guessed it teddy was laying on it.
This didn’t last for too long as when the baby began to grow my now toddler became very fond of him and they played together ( with teddy joining in too or watching from the sideline.

When my second son grew older he had a small cuddly dog that he called Pige ( after a character in the Disney lady and the tramp film. He took her everywhere and I remember going to donate blood and the lovely staff who put a dressing on my arm once I had donated my pint of blood also put a similar dressing on Pige’s leg which my son loved.
When I was child minding I looked after a little boy who always brought a small teddy with him. As he wasn’t overly keen on letting the other children play with it we kept it in his bag except for when he took it with him in the cot for a nap upstairs.
Should child minders allow children to bring their own toys? here
At the time I was campaigning to get a local park upgraded more here
My campaign was a success and I was invited to go on the local news channel on T.V.
After getting written permission from the children’s parents the reporter and cameraman came to my house to film me reading a story to the children and talk about the campaign.
It wasn’t until that evening when I sat down to watch the news that I realised that one child had crept out to where the bags were kept ( just outside the playroom door) and had taken the teddy from the boy’s bag. She made the most of her time with the bear by rubbing him against her face and kissing him!
Cuddly yoys can also help encourage child led play more here
And can be especially comforting if a child needs to have a stay in hospital or at a relatives house

As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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My campaign was a success and I appeared on the television: When the television reporter and cameraman came to my home to film: It wasn’t until I sat down to watch the news that evening that I realised that while filming me reading a story to the children one little girl had crept out of the playroom and taken the teddy from the boy’s bag . She was totally enjoying the teddy because she was rubbing it against her face and kissing it.
I wander what the teddy’s owner thought when he watched the footage ( it was properly good that he was at home as he nay have thrown a massive tantrum!).
Cuddly toys are also great for encouraging child led play more here
Stuffed animals can be especially comforting to children if they have to spend time away from home, such as if they need to stay in hospital or with a relative,.

Going back to my first son, he required help from a speech therapist for his delayed speech more here
Each week he took along a different stuffed animal to show his speach therapist and they talked about it together.
As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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Awww. I whole heartedly agree that cuddlies can help children in so many ways, especially when it comes to them feeling comforted. Thank you for joining us for the #DreamTeam Karen x
Thanks for having me as a part of the linky, Annette
My daughter is eleven and has been in a two home situation for the past three years. She probably wouldn’t admit it but having a cuddle buddy waiting for her at each house is a comfort every night #dreamteam
I totally gret that, thanks for your comments, Jeremy
I am almost 72 years old, and I still remember a teddy bear and a stuffed dog from my toddler years. They were worn and frayed around the edges, but I loved them.
Oh, that’s lovely, Carol, thanks for telling me
All of my children have cuddly toys on their beds at night. I think it is vital for attachment and security. Thanks for linking up with #DreamTeam
Sounds lovely, thanks for all your comments and for having me as a part of the linky, Laura