Child Led Play

After catching up with Terry who originally suggested I write a blog on Child Led Play, he told me his Daughter aged 2 had recently been to a birthday party. He was surprised that all the small children played separately, instead of together. This in my experience is perfectly normal for that age, and soon…

Child Led Play continued

Thanks to Terry who suggested that I write a blog about Child Led Play. It is too easy to hover over our children while they are playing. It is much better take a step back and et them use their imagination. When I was child minding, I sometimes laid out the tea set on a…

Wimbledon themed children’s activities from ichild

Regular readers will know that I often work with ichild, because they have a wonderful selection of crafts and activities to keep children entertained; this is a few of their Wimbledon themed ones: WIMBLEDON WORDSEARCH: Older children will enjoy the challenge of finding the tennis related words( the answers are at the bottom of the…

What to put in a child minding port folio

Having a good port folio to show parents at the first interview more here is key to looking professional . My port folio was quite large, as I had undertaken lots of training providing me with many certificates ( obviously my registered child minding certificate was framed and displayed on my playroom wall). Other than…

The benefits of cuddly toys to children

When thinking of a gift to buy for a newborn baby people often decide on a teddy bear or other cuddly toy/stuffed animal. Although these may look cute do they actually serve a purpose and benefit the child? The simple answer is yes: As well as being a comfort to a child, a cuddly toy…

Children’s activities suitable for a garden

Ellen, an early years practitioner has asked for activity suggestions for the children she looks after as a registered child minder to do safely in her garden. When I was working as a registered child minder I had a small walled garden that we made the best use of as I believe that children can…

Things I used to play as a child

In the olden days when I was a child, we didn’t have electronic gadgets, such as iPads and video consoles to keep us entertained. Instead children tended to play outside when the weather allowed and we amused ourselves with games like hopscotch ( by simply chalking out a grid on the pavement and using a…

Working with special needs children

Over the 14 years that I worked as a registered child minder a few of the children I cared for had special needs: My first experience of caring for a special needs child( which was funded through social services, as respite for the parents) was a little girl, who was 2 years old as she…

How I explain my stroke to children

I suffered a massive stroke in 2007, which has left me disabled. As a former registered child minder I know that children are inquisitive and can only learn about such things by asking questions. Some children who were playing in their garden as I was passing on my electric wheelchair asked why I needed to…

Teaching children how to play

Lizzie, a registered child minder has requested this post. Children don’t automatically know how to play, they have to be shown what is expected of them. I played with my own children from the baby stage; helping them to enjoy a rattle and a baby gym. When they reached the sitting independently stage of development…

Children’s reins/restraints good or not?

I was watching a television programme were a woman had sextuplets( 6 siblings) and she used restraints to keep hold of them all. The mother actually received some verbal comments from a passer-by who told her “Those are children , not dogs, only dogs should be on a leash!” This got me thinking; I used…

Trips I took the children on when I was a child minder

Back in ‘the good old days’ before the corona virus threat I took the children in my care on several trips ( always with written permission from parents). Often I would arrange to go with another child minder; this meant that I could have some adult conversation, plus there was someone to watch the children…

Children with Santa

With Christmas virtually just around the corner, I wanted to share my thoughts and experiences of children with Santa. I used  taking my second son to see Santa as a chance to get him to give up his dummy, I told him that Santa would give it to ‘baby Rudolph’ so that he could settle…

Cheap children’s activities for parents and carers

When I was working as a registered child minder I was always on the lookout  for ideas for cheap activities and places to take the children. We often went to the local soft play facility at the leisure centre where several child minders would meet up with the children, we even managed to get a…

How to explain growing up and where babies come from to children

A friend recently received a letter  from school informing her that her daughter would be having a lesson  explaining growing up and changing bodies, so she suggested that I should write about this topic. I remember my mum ( who like most people of her generation found it difficult to talk about this subject) giving…

Going on walks with children

I have always been a believer of getting out and about whenever possible, especially with children. When I was growing up, my family often went for a countryside walk at the weekends. My sisters and I were all horse mad so when we went for a walk we would find a stick each and then…

Children and television

  Is watching television good for children, or something not to be encouraged? These are my thoughts and experiences:- In my opinion children watching television can be good providing an adult monitors what they are watching. There are some quality educational programmes aimed at children. When I was working as a registered child minder  I…

My favourite pets for children

In my opinion the best pets for children are:- RABBITS; I have kept a rabbit,or two for most of my life; from regular size rabbits in childhood, to 2 giants as an adult.   If you decide to get a rabbit as a pet for children please don’t let him live at the bottom of…

Fine motor skills in children

This is following on from last weeks post on gross motor skills. Fine motor skills develop the muscles in fingers, thumbs and hands which enable children to hold a pen or pencil to write and draw, as well as mastering skills like doing up buttons, zips and tying shoe laces and holding cutlery to cut…

Is it wrong to change a child’s name?

When I married my second husband  I had 2 sons from my first marriage who had their dads surname, it never occurred to me to change their names, they wouldn’t have wanted to; they loved their dad, even though I no longer did, plus I thought that they had enough changes going on without adding…

Children and hospital

Fortunately my experience of children in hospital is limited. I was in hospital when I was 10. I had to have my appendix removed , complications resulted in me getting pneumonia and one of my lungs collapsed . The hospital that I was in was in Liverpool, my dad who is a massive Liverpool football…

Children and bikes

Now that we are officially in British summer time and  hopefully have some good weather on the way, lets encourage our children  to get on their bikes, enjoy some fresh air and get some exercise. Children usually start to learn about the concept of a bike at around 12 months of age when they are…

Messy play

Melanie has suggested this weeks topic. One of my favourite messy play activities is what I call gloop (cornflour and water experiment) as this also covers science in the early years. Basically you mix lots of cornflour with water in a large vessel. I used to mix it in my grill pan as this allowed…

Childminding Tales, A walk to Mannings Pit

Manning’s pit is a local beauty spot. named after Benjamin Manning, a cattle trader and former butcher. I have a long relationship with this wonderful, tranquil place, I spent many happy hours playing here as a child and walked my German Shepherd dogs  many, many times as an adult. One day, during the school holidays…

Should children be expected to do household chores?

Without meaning to sound like a slave driver, I believe that children should be encouraged to help in the household. My youngest son loved to clean my kitchen sink, this started one day when he was bored and as I was pottering in the kitchen I pulled up a chair so he could reach the…

Juggling Children

This is a request from Julie Tallin, thanks Julie, for tips on how to divide your time and attention between several children. In my experience, trying to juggle several children at once is easy, if managed correctly. I used to try to include everyone together, so nobody feels left out. I can recall my youngest…

Childminding Tales – Double Dutch!

Harry started at Little Treasures quality child minding, when he was 2 years of age. I had previously cared for his older brother, Kelvin, until he left me to start school. Harry had initially been with another child minder, as I didn’t have a space for him, at the time ( there are very strict…

Child minding tales- looking after a diamond thief!

This weeks post goes back to when I was working as a registered child minder and took a group of minded children on a visit to the local garden centre. We walked along a safe foot path and on arrival  we looked around at the plants   and pet accessories they were selling, before visiting…

Child minding tales- collecting an unknown child

Once when I was a child minder and went to collect my youngest son from school, while I was waiting for him to come out of the classroom the head mistress came over to speak to me, ” Mrs. Dennis,” she said, “I need to apologise, as I have done something terrible today.” My first…

Are Children And Dogs A Good Mix?

I believe that children and dogs can be great together; if managed correctly. When I purchased my German Shepherd puppy “Keira” she was 8 weeks old. I did a lot of research into her breed first (although I have always been an admirer of this type of dog, so knew quite a lot already) I…

Pets For Children; Cats And Kittens.

Cats and kittens can make great pets. Kittens especially look so cute and cuddly; which they can be, but they also come with a good set of claws ready to scratch if they are not happy about a situation! Always supervise children around any animal. A kitten (or any other pet) can sustain a nasty…

Child Minding; My Story

For as long as I can remember I have always loved babies and children (and anything to do with them) including an interest in pregnancy and birth. All I ever wanted to do when I was growing up playing with baby dolls was to to get married and have children. I did get married, aged 19 and had two…

Balancing Your Child Minding Books (Accounts)

  Rebecca, who is a registered child minder has suggested this blog topic. As a registered child minder; you should be invited to attend meetings and courses, on the basics of keeping child minding accounts, for HMRC. As a self-employed person, record keeping is your responsibility.         You can, of course, hire…

Settling In A New Child Minded Child.

When I worked as a child minder, I found that most of the new child minded children settled in remarkably quickly. I have written, in more detail, about a particular child, who took a little longer, in another blog post, titled “child minding tales – separation anxiety” I think, it is actually more distressing for…

Planning Child Minding Activities To Suit Everyone

As a Child Minder you are at an advantage over a larger setting such as a nursery (I’m my opinion anyway) when it comes to planning activities for the children in your care. For example; I like to think that when I was a child minder I knew the children I looked after really well…

Plus-plus Easter chick review

I was sent a tube containing 240 low-in-the dark pieces. And a box, in which I was expecting to find a board ( for holding the pieces). But the box contained another 250 puzzle pieces in 10 different colours. And a puzzle mat. Harley, age 8, who was eager to help with my review was…

KookyLoos review

KookyLoos is a new product soon to be launched. I was sent a pink box containing 2 cardboard tubes : One from the BFF series; the other was from the Sunday fun day series. Inside each tube the children who helped with the review were delighted to discover several paper packages which they took turns…

No rules parenting

A recent programme on television showed  parents  who have 3 children  and believe that their children don’t need any rules: they do what they want, when they want. The mother sleeps with the  youngest child in her bed. The children don’t have set bedtimes; they go to bed when they feel that they are tired…

Early years jargon explained

New child minders and other early years practitioners are sometimes confused by early years jargon; hopefully this will explain:- OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS:   These are questions that make children think about their answers, for example; when playing with children instead of asking questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” ask a…

Story sacks

What is a story sack? I hear you ask . A story sack is a bag of items which relate to a children’s story book, often the contents are hand made ( the ones which I used were made by members of the W.I. women’s institute). I borrowed several story sacks from the library; these…

Traditional Games

Nowadays, with electronics, such as, games consoles, tablets and i pads it may seem old fashioned to think about playing traditional games, but they, too, can be fun and a lot cheaper on our pockets. Eye- spy is one of the oldest, it can be adapted for younger children, I used to to play it…

Sibling jealousy

This was a subject that was brought up on a television programme I was watching this week: One child was playing up by attention seeking when he felt that his parents were spending more time listening to his sister than they were him. My advice for dealing with this problem is to acknowledge the issue,…

Rebuilding my life after stroke

Most of my readers will be aware that I am a stroke survivor. Without having any of the symptoms mentioned in the F.A. S.T. stroke awareness adverts; just the mother of all headaches ( which wasn’t unusual for me). I suffered a massive stroke in 2007, which has left me disabled wheelchair user, with left-sided…

Firework advice for dog owners

This may seem an odd topic for a parenting tips blogger to write about, but pets, especially dogs are a member of our families and can be an asset to any children luckily enough to own one. Are dogs and children a good mix here. There are lots of things that dog owners can do…

Connectrix introduction

Best learning sent this interactive matching game for review. There are 24 different cards containing 48 lessons; from learning the alphabet to transportation. Basically, when a chosen card is inserted in the console and the relevant card code is entered using the hand controller the fun and learning will begin . Children aged 6 years…

GUEST BLOG: 5 Tips for Surviving Family Vacation

5 Tips for Surviving Family Vacation   I remember the chaotic days of our family’s seasonal vacations just like they were yesterday. Between my parents arguing over directions, my siblings crying and bickering over not sharing the electronic devices enough, or my granddad bringing up uncomfortable, and often times inappropriate, conversations about a distant relative…

Review of Whack and learn mole

Best learning sent this great educational toy. The whack and learn mole  will teach children the alphabet, numbers 1-12 and colours while also developing hand-to-eye co-ordination and dexterity; all whilst having fun. When a child age 6 months upwards whacks the mole on the head he can start playing and learning. There are  different modes:-…

Review of my spin and learn steering wheel

When Best learning materials corp asked if I was interested in reviewing one of their products, I chose my spin and learn steering wheel because this appealed to my expertise as a former child minder. On opening the box I immediately saw a quality toy which would provide hours of fun and learning. The wheel…

Colour Recognition

Helping or encouraging your child to learn her colours, should  be both fun and light hearted. My eldest son, learnt his colours from playing with his toy cars, he would ask me, “What colour is this one, mummy?” He learnt very quickly and I remember when we were in the library and he referred to…

School uniform- good or bad?

This seems like an appropriate post for this week as most of the schools have just gone back after the long summer break.   Many children and parents do not like a school uniform, but my feelings are if everyone is dressed the same, surly that reduces the risk of bullying? Children that can’t afford…

Rota mum, my experiences

When my children were attending pre-school , there used to be a system known as rota-mum. This was where the mums (or dads) of the children were asked to stay and help at a session once or twice a term . In my experience because this was optional and not essential, it was the ‘same…

Guest Blog – 5 Warning Signs Your Teenager May Be Using Drugs

Peep into a house party packed with teenagers, what you will see is an entirely different version of High School Musical. Teenage boys and girls taking recreational drugs and alcohol is a common view these days. It is probably due to the glamorization of such addictions in our movies. The one who uses drugs is…

Days Out With The Kids That Don’t Cost The Earth

Another suggestion from Sarah Knight. This time for day trips on a budget where everyone can still have fun still have fun. Thanks again, Sarah. When I was child minding I was always on the look out for budget outings, as I didn’t like to keep asking parents for money. on top of their child…

My Experience Of Pregnancy & Birth

Firstly. I must point out, that what I am about to write is purely, my own personal experiences, of pregnancy and child birth. I have no medical training in this field and as every women and child, or baby’ is different it will not necessarily be the same for anyone else!     For as…

Review of Besshill farm shop

As a parent and grandparent I feel that it is important that children are fed good wholesome food which is free of additives that can affect behaviour. This  is one of the reasons that I am writing this review. Besshill farm shop is in Arlington approximately 10 miles from Barnstaple, the farm is easy to…

Review of Pipity activity books

Pipity have kindly sent me 3 of their new activity books to review. ANIMALS   This, as the title suggests consists of activities that are animal related, from making an elephant using your finger as a trunk to tiny bugs, there are also pictures to colour and a birthday card to make. The  thing that…

Guest Blog – Letter Magnets

Thanks to Shannon from who got in touch with this brilliant blog, after reading it myself I knew I had to have her as a guest blogger! Knowing the letters in your name, and the order they go in, is an important sign of nursery readiness. But it’s not as easy as you might think! Children need…

Attracting birds to your garden

I have always enjoyed watching the birds in the garden. As a child my grandfather gave me a book about birds so that I could read and learn about those I saw. When I moved into my own home after getting married, my dade me a wooden bird table with a roof we only put…

Review of things Evie eats

When Suziw got in touch to ask if I would be interested in reviewing one of her books I jumped at the chance as I have been a fan of children’s literature since falling ‘in love’ with the Gruffalo  while I was a registered child minder.The things Evie eats is written by Suziew and has…

How I achieved an outstanding ofsted grade

Regular readers will be well aware that I worked as a registered child minder for 14 very happy years. years, I proudly managed to achieve an outstanding grade from Ofsted at my last inspection. Sandra has asked for some tips to enable her to get a similar result. I displayed some disability posters in my…

Saving Westacott Park

Back in 2004 I launched a campaign to get the out dated play equipment in Rock park, Barnstaple up graded. I have now been made aware of a campaign to save Westacott park. Westacott park is a small park on Westacott Road in the Whiddon valley area of Barnstaple. When I lived in Whiddon valley…

How to avoid “Are we nearly there yet?”

Nowadays, keeping children entertained on long car journeys is relatively easy thanks to things like laptops, electronic games and tablets such as iPads. They can now watch a movie or play a game whilst they travel. When my own children were young, there were no such luxuries. I once made a booklet for each of…

Number Recognition

The question of how to help a child with number recognition came up recently on social media. These are my ideas. In my experience, most children start recognizing numbers by their age. Many youngsters are given birthday cards with their age on ( usually the number is large and brightly coloured) Some children walk around…